alan h's activity

Questions Asked

Tesco and Eurotunnel[Copied from another Forum]If you shop at Tesco you'll probably be rewarded with Cash Vouchers.  What you may not know is that you can exchange these for 3x their value with Eurotunnel.

Sun, 03/18/2018 - 16:50

ITALIAN GENEALOGYI am researching my family tree [all UK based], and belong to a Genealogy Group here in the UK - its part of the U3A [an organisation for 'retired persons who want to do things rather than sit at home all d

Wed, 01/04/2017 - 05:24

Cancelling a Eurotunnel Booking I have had to cancel a return trip on Eurotunnel [Car + 2 + Dog], as I have to go into hospital for an op.The booking was 'non-refundable'.I rang them to cancel and they confirmed it was non-

Thu, 05/26/2016 - 08:00

IMU - Its still around I thought this had disappeared in the new tax system, but my Comune website says the first payment for 2014 is due by 16th June Paid it via my bank today - emailed them the F24

Fri, 06/13/2014 - 08:56

Looks like the days of the easy/cheap trip to italy through Switzerland are numbered. Apparently, the Swiss government has decided to raise the cost of the vignette to 100 Swiss Francs for 2015. They are introducing a two month vignette for 40SF,

Sun, 09/01/2013 - 15:58

Petrol prices in France are now comparable with the UK, except on the French Autoroutes.One option is to fill up at the L'Eclerc superstores with their SP95 E10 petrol [its a petrol with some ethylene in - generally used in France - which is OK fo

Thu, 07/11/2013 - 04:25

For a change this year we drove down to Italy via Besancon  [avoiding most tolls by taking some good french non-motorways.]However - Besancon roads are in total chaos as they are digging them up to lay tram routes - this will take about 2 more yea

Wed, 07/10/2013 - 16:44

Can you help?I've just completed making a 'variation' of Limoncello. The only change is that I dispensed with the lemons, I and substituted Sloes that I picked here in the UK at the end of last year.

Sun, 01/20/2013 - 09:10

In today's GuardianRyanair have announced their credit card will now be liable to the same charges as other credit cards - so the end of no charge bookings

Sat, 11/10/2012 - 09:07

Comments posted

Mon, 07/31/2017 - 04:32

Holiday lets - who is going to clean the place [before and after let] and supply clean linen etc?Holiday Home - will you end up spending all your time tidying up the garden at the start of each holiday? - I know somebody who bought a holiday home - takes her at least 3 days to get the garden tidy, even before she can start her holiday, and another 1 or 2 days to redo it before she leaves

Mon, 07/31/2017 - 03:45

I think you really need to consider why you want to buy the place - what is making the decision - Heart [bad] or head [better]?You need to remember that 'initial quotes' are invariably lower than the final cost for works.Supervising the work is a nightmare if you are not there - you rely on others 'doing the right thing'.If you are worried about the total cost, and your answer is to try and find as higher sale price as possible, I think you are 'on a loser', as you can always find somebody who will give the answer you want, at a cost. My suggestion would be to look at what the the sum you intend to spend could buy in the vicinity, in terms of a place ready to move in to.  Is it really worth the hassle of months/years of spending on a 'money pit'?

Sun, 07/30/2017 - 07:04

My washing machine is installed [plans submitted and approved by Comune] in the garage, so I don't see whay you couldn't put one in the cantinaI did need to push the architect do do it - he wanted it in the bathroom, but I was the Client and said what I wanted.

Sun, 07/30/2017 - 03:37

Ceiling height required is approx 2.7metresIf you have a dirt floor, you could perhaps lower the floor to get the height.You can ask your comune for a dispensation, via a geometra or architect - but not too hopeful on that.The ceiling height refers to habitable room - you could probably argue that a workroom isn't habitable.  Or you could make it a store roomThere is nothing to stop you using a workroom/store as a dining room, or bedroom [or even a store romm as a workroom] - it just means that when you sell it it will be a non-habitable room in the description.

Sat, 07/29/2017 - 05:10


  • Don't offer the asking price - 25% - 30% under is a good start.  People are desperate to sell
  • Remember - you'll probably have to pay some of the estate agents fee.
  • Is it holiday home - look at how many ways you can get there - look at what airports/operators are available - if only 1,  what happens if it shuts
  • Permanent home - what work is available [especially if your Italian isn't good.

When I bought my holiday home [just under 50% of original asking price, 13 years ago], I worked on the assumption that if things went wrong [they haven't yet], I could lose all my money [I haven't yet]

Sat, 07/22/2017 - 12:21

Bergamo - too far north?????Verona, Padova, Venice, Milan, Genoa, Bologna Turin, Parma, Venice, lots of lakes etc etc - all within an easy days journey.Take the offer of free accomodation in Bergamo

Wed, 07/19/2017 - 09:31

Google throws up;- Never used either though

Fri, 07/14/2017 - 06:45

Travelling with DogsChris - we are retired, so we limit the daily drive to about 4 - 4.5 hours a day, as we find that minimises the stress of travelling for our poochWe go away for 4 weeks, spending 3 overnight stays on the way to and from northern Italy [lake Orta area].  This gives us 3 weeks at the house.--------------If you are looking for a dog friendly hotel about 90 minutes from Calais [we use the Shuttle, as the dog stays with us in the car, and it only takes about 45 minutes max], I can wholeheartedly recommend the Hotel De La Paix in Bapaume, which has 3 ground floor bedrooms that are ideal for travellers with dogs. It also allows dogs in their restaurant, and breakfast room.  We usually dine on the terrace, so seldom use the restaurant, but useful when it rains.  Adjacent to the hotel is a park where the dog can be walked.  We've stayed there about 4 times now - really good and friendly staff [family run] who speak english   

Thu, 07/13/2017 - 15:37

"........... but are considering Calais- Geneva, Geneva- Lucca (via Mont Blanc tunnel) in the hope its a bit quicker."I wouldn't do that route.Last month I did Calais to Italy via Lausanne  and the Simplon Pass - absolute doddle and whilst slightly longer than via the Mont Blanc Tunnel, a fair bit cheaper [no charge for the Simplon] with a fantastic 'break point' on the top of the pass - great views and a couple of bars that do basic foodI do this route for a couple of reasons - saves the potential queue for Gotthard Tunnel, cheaper than Mont Blanc option - which is quicker, but more expensive, and a lot more Dog friendly - he loves the walk on the top of the Simplon PassGood luck

Sun, 07/09/2017 - 03:32

Going Over The TopThis simply means that one doesn't go through the Gotthard Tunnel, but leaves the motorway just before it and takes the route 'over the top' of the mountain, via the St Gotthard PassAt worst its about half an hour or so longer, plus any time you add for a tea break on the topPretty well signpostedYour first route [in your original post] took that route