alan h's activity

Questions Asked

Tesco and Eurotunnel[Copied from another Forum]If you shop at Tesco you'll probably be rewarded with Cash Vouchers.  What you may not know is that you can exchange these for 3x their value with Eurotunnel.

Sun, 03/18/2018 - 16:50

ITALIAN GENEALOGYI am researching my family tree [all UK based], and belong to a Genealogy Group here in the UK - its part of the U3A [an organisation for 'retired persons who want to do things rather than sit at home all d

Wed, 01/04/2017 - 05:24

Cancelling a Eurotunnel Booking I have had to cancel a return trip on Eurotunnel [Car + 2 + Dog], as I have to go into hospital for an op.The booking was 'non-refundable'.I rang them to cancel and they confirmed it was non-

Thu, 05/26/2016 - 08:00

IMU - Its still around I thought this had disappeared in the new tax system, but my Comune website says the first payment for 2014 is due by 16th June Paid it via my bank today - emailed them the F24

Fri, 06/13/2014 - 08:56

Looks like the days of the easy/cheap trip to italy through Switzerland are numbered. Apparently, the Swiss government has decided to raise the cost of the vignette to 100 Swiss Francs for 2015. They are introducing a two month vignette for 40SF,

Sun, 09/01/2013 - 15:58

Petrol prices in France are now comparable with the UK, except on the French Autoroutes.One option is to fill up at the L'Eclerc superstores with their SP95 E10 petrol [its a petrol with some ethylene in - generally used in France - which is OK fo

Thu, 07/11/2013 - 04:25

For a change this year we drove down to Italy via Besancon  [avoiding most tolls by taking some good french non-motorways.]However - Besancon roads are in total chaos as they are digging them up to lay tram routes - this will take about 2 more yea

Wed, 07/10/2013 - 16:44

Can you help?I've just completed making a 'variation' of Limoncello. The only change is that I dispensed with the lemons, I and substituted Sloes that I picked here in the UK at the end of last year.

Sun, 01/20/2013 - 09:10

In today's GuardianRyanair have announced their credit card will now be liable to the same charges as other credit cards - so the end of no charge bookings

Sat, 11/10/2012 - 09:07

Comments posted

Tue, 02/18/2014 - 13:24

"I advise those of you who transfer money for the mortgage payment, by way of greater security, to transfer amounts to 20% higher than the installment loan that is due," You'd need to send 25% extra so that the needed amount remains.  i.e.    E125-20% = E100

Sun, 02/16/2014 - 12:15

As I understand it, [from postings elswher on the net];- From 1st February ALL transfers to Italian bank accounts from outside Italy are subject to a 20% witholding tax. The bank will deduct the 20% and send it to the GovernmentThis is all about tax due on investments abroad.To reclaim the money, assuming it was not the result of an investment abroad, you must reclaim it on your next Italian tax return.You can also make an 'autodichiarazione' at your bank regarding the 'ritenute d'ingresso' to declare it is not money from investments abroad and the bank will no longer deduct the 20%.  [UK Pension payments, for example]  

Sun, 02/16/2014 - 06:39

Because of the dog, and also in preparation for avoiding the 100 SF charge for the Motorway Vignette in Switzerland next year, we are looking at a new route down to North West italy [Lake Maggiore/Lake Orta area]We are planning 3 night stops on the journey to cut down the daily in-car time for the dog to approx 5 hours a day max.  We enjoy a leisurely drive down and back anyway, its part of the holidayRoute may well be;-

  • Day 1    Eurotunnel and first stop near Lille Englos, at the Holiday Inn express - we've had good stays there before, and ther is plenty of space to walk the dog
  • Day 2    Lille to Epinal area
  • Day 3    Epinal to Sion in Switzerland - posssibly the Ibis there.  The route will be cross country to Pontalier in France [avoiding Besancon] then into and through Switzerland on non motorway roads.  The lakeside road from Lausanne is a most enjoyable drive, and it goes on through to Sion
  • Day 4    Sion to our place near Lake Orta- only 2 or 3 hours drive


  • Return Jouney will probably follow the same route and stops

Distance wise this isn't much longer than more direct routes we usually take, but it will add a 2 or 3 hours to the overall journey time because of Days 3 and 4 Anyone got any comments?   [but not about the need for 3 stops overnight, that's a 'given' for us] 

Sat, 02/15/2014 - 04:02

" Did you say there's a Thai restauarant not far from the Ibis?"Not me - the Ibis is out by the airport.  Having used it once, I won't be going there again  [Room was damp etc etc].  You need a car to get into town for good restaurants

Tue, 02/11/2014 - 17:12

"anybody out there dusting down their roadmaps to Italy?" Yes - starting planning  leisurely drive down with our dog.  First time with a pet, so changes to route/times required.  Will be using Eurotunnel rather than Ferry - dog will stay in car with us, not put in cage on ferry, and will spend 3 nights on way down [and back] to reduce time in car each day

Mon, 02/03/2014 - 03:58

"wow, what's happened to it mag...a sad demisesad"It's not what it was - but things usully go quiet at the start of the year'.  I think the heady days of lots of postings are gone [both here and elsewhere], but I expect it will pick up later on. However, I'm not a fan of this new format [The "other place" is also pretty quiet (but not as quiet as here) - It does have some interesting things on, but it's a lot about ex-pats wanting to vote in the UK and Yanks saying Knox must be innocent because she is American.]