Located less than a 100 m away from the Ponte Vecchio this centralli located trattoria is excellent value for money. You will find it on a narrow street called Via Stracciatella, to the left of Piazza di S.
I did not want to hijack Ronald's thread on Sardinia and the G8, but following a post on the same topic by Adriatica and my own commennt, I thought that it may be interesting for many to see what we are talking about.
Another Catholic organisation that runs second hand shops is EMMAUS. It has an office in your region at Tolmezzo. Ask the local parish and they should be able to inform you.
It should be fine as a cooler wall would make the initial establishment of the plant easier. It would grow in partial shade. Careful with two things, it can cause damage to the wall and the berries, containing oxalic acid, are poisonous.It also needs generous watering to get it started.
Congratulations on the purchase. You can now remember the signing of the "rogito" as just another anecdote. Yes, usually it takes a while although we missed on all the "fun" as we gave a power of attorney to our agent. But then, the signing of the power of attorney was quite an experience, even if we do manage quite well in Italian.....
Hello, Fairy Nuff, and welcome. Your area is beautiful, we are near you at Bagni di Lucca. Best wishes regarding your plans. The "piano, piano" and the "domani" syndrome are all part of the fun.
Difficult question to answer regarding times. The passport does not take long once citizenship is granted. You need application forms, photos, Italian certificates (birth, marriage, naturalisation). You should talk to your local Italian authorities to ascertain how long will you have to wait.
Comments posted
And just a little reminder that a bit (or a lot) of patience is required at this time of the year. It happens everywhere during the holiday season.
Another Catholic organisation that runs second hand shops is EMMAUS. It has an office in your region at Tolmezzo. Ask the local parish and they should be able to inform you.
It should be fine as a cooler wall would make the initial establishment of the plant easier. It would grow in partial shade. Careful with two things, it can cause damage to the wall and the berries, containing oxalic acid, are poisonous.It also needs generous watering to get it started.
Congratulations on the purchase. You can now remember the signing of the "rogito" as just another anecdote. Yes, usually it takes a while although we missed on all the "fun" as we gave a power of attorney to our agent. But then, the signing of the power of attorney was quite an experience, even if we do manage quite well in Italian.....
Great idea and it is never too late. Thanks for the tip!
From memory, you were in the old forum, so good to see you back. Best wishes,
Hello, Fairy Nuff, and welcome. Your area is beautiful, we are near you at Bagni di Lucca. Best wishes regarding your plans. The "piano, piano" and the "domani" syndrome are all part of the fun.
Hi Monica and welcome. Enjoy!
Perhaps you could find some interesting information regarding animal welfare in Italy through www.dogwelcome.it
Difficult question to answer regarding times. The passport does not take long once citizenship is granted. You need application forms, photos, Italian certificates (birth, marriage, naturalisation). You should talk to your local Italian authorities to ascertain how long will you have to wait.