jepsonclough's activity

Questions Asked

Does anyone know of an English speaking doctor and dentist in the Amandola area?  We are jsut preparing information for guests renting our house and realised that it woudl be useful to put in contact details.  The pharamcist at Monte San Martino s

Fri, 05/28/2010 - 05:59

The Good Food Channel (Sky 249, Virgin 260) are currently showing a new series where Gary Rhodes travels to nine regions of Italy (Lazio, Sicily, Campania, Tuscany, Le Marche, Emilia Romagna, Liguria, Piedmont and Veneto)

Fri, 01/22/2010 - 04:26

Think this is going to take some getting used to - probably much more functionality but at the moment there doesn't seem to be a structure - while structure can be restrincting (eg all the sniping on the forum about setting up new topics) it does

Sun, 05/17/2009 - 08:48

Comments posted

Sat, 06/13/2009 - 13:08

I bought a brilliant book at a jumble sale which had most of this sort of information - unfortunately I've left it at our house in Italy (wher eit will be most use).  It was an AA guide and fairly old (mid 80s) but full of useful info.  I found what I think is an updated version on amazon  I also found another one which looks similar this helpsChris 

Answer to: House renovation
Mon, 06/08/2009 - 13:40

HiBased on personal experience I woudl stronglt recommend you get a preventivo for the connection costs - we bought a house to restore which had had electricity to it but which had been empty for 30/40 years.  We were totally shocked by the €15,000 connection for electricity - we had no idea and it was only when we were going through bills did we see it - our geometra had not warned us of it. Chris

Answer to: I'm Gone
Wed, 06/03/2009 - 16:23

Think I'll be following you - it's all gloss and no substance - why do we need all these graphics - most forums are about exchanging information -most of which is text) so why do we need all these bells and whistles. Chris

Sun, 05/31/2009 - 16:54

I'm giving it a go but I find that unlike the old forums which I could have a glance at when i had a spare 5 mins it's so difficutl to see what has changed and the screen is so full of dross (for example I don't care what avatar or picture someone posting has) and not much content that I don't even have a look once a day.  Sorry but I don't think I'll be as regular as I was. Chris

Answer to: Driving to italy
Sat, 05/30/2009 - 12:39

I agree with Alan that his route is better - we have used it twice and sailed through the customs (vignette bought online)  - when we have been coming back we go through Basle abd have seen the long queues in the other direction.  So thanks Alan (can't rememebr if I thanked you on the forum).  We usually stay In Neuemberg An Rhine in a lovely (and inexpensive) hotel with fab food - can't remember the name but it is on the left handside of the crossroads as you come into townChris

Answer to: Driving to italy
Fri, 05/29/2009 - 18:45

Found the details on the old forum - husband sor tof remembered the route - definitely recommentd it Drove back from Italy over the weekend. I have always found getting through Basel a bit of a pain - but this time I took a route around Basel that cut the delays to under 15 minutes. [I have spent over 2 hours getting through the traffic and Customs/immigration checks in Basel, and never less than 30 minutes queueing in the car] The route is very simple, and only adds about 5 miles or so to the route. Coming down the German autobahn [easy connection from France at Mulhouse] - take the turn off just before Basel to Lorrach and continue into Switzerland that way. Its a good road all the way - mainly dual carriageway - and it only took 10 minutes to 'do the checks' to enter Switzerland and 15 to leave. You end up on the Swiss motorway about 1km East of the turn to Lucerne. Hope this helps someone. 

Mon, 05/18/2009 - 14:52

...after all those of us old enough to remember dos operating systems eventaully got used to windows (although I still can't find anything on vista - one of the problems of running two computers with different operating systems but this is getting really off topic so enough already!Chris

Mon, 05/18/2009 - 14:49

Ah so if I am giving details of my children in brackets I need to put Kitty first and Dom second so that her age comes out correctly adn not as a smiley! 8)

Sun, 05/17/2009 - 08:49

Why do I have a smiley instead of 8 for my daughter's age?