There used to be a little shop in Viterbo which sold Indian spices, basmati rice, poppadoms etc. I can't find anything about it now. Anyone know if it is still open? In bocco al lupo!
chrisnotton's activity
Questions Asked
Ciao e tutti!I have virtually the same Honda scooter in rural Lazio & equally rural Bedfordshire. Same, value, milage NCB etc.
I came across this: seems to be a good range of BBC docs, Blue planet, Despatches etc.Pip pip
I found this useful article on another forum. Hope it proves of interest here: pip
Ciao e tutti,After 13 years it has finally become necessary to drive to Italy! I suppose it was inevitable.
Ciao e tutti, The other day, on the phone, I was casting about for a good translation of "flat-out", as in driving, running etc. I ended up with the rather feeble massima potenza, or a massima velocità.
Has anybody seen the "Mark forum read" buttonIt seems to have vanished with the latest updates.It's a real pain without it :o((
I don't know if anyone saw this:
Anyone know what's going on in "the other place"?
All I am getting is "This forum is closed"
Well it is nice to be back.
I haven't been able to login or reset my password for days. I usually login automatically with my browser so it isn't "just finger trouble"
Comments posted
It is the latency really that kills it for me. Shame there are some really nice peeps here. Anyone know of other good forums? Pip pip
Also try questor we found them a bit cheaper: It is not that difficult to buy a car in Italy. Just get one of your relatives to act as the owner & put you on their insurance. Pip pip
Thanks I'll try those. I had never used before, it looks like a useful resource. Pip pip
I really liked this film, I saw it last week at the Renoir. it is not really about people, more about life in a remote place in Calabria. You also learn (perhaps) more than you need to about goats. Dont go if you like action, there isn't any , also very little dialogue either so not good for practising your Italian! Salve
In bocca al lupo Penny, Do let us know what happens. Salve Chris
It seems to be the way things work in the smaller communities, so much is discretionary there that a helpful official or introduction makes all the difference. I have only experience in a small commune but I suspect, in larger places, the proceedure becomes a bit more adversarial & you will only become sucessful when you have dotted all the i's & crossed all the t's. I don't know how people are getting on in Ascoli Piceno now but there were real problems there with their interpretation of the rules! I have found "Goccia a goccia scava la pietra" (drop by drop wears away the stone)
Hi Atesa,
I didn't /don't have a "personal income tax issue" that I am aware of. If I earned any income in taly I would pay tax on it there, but I don't so I don't. I found that all the issues & obstacles that I encountered were "evitabile" by getting to know people and asking politely & repeatedly for guidance. After a while I met helpful people & doors opened & things were signed. This took dozens of visits to the various commune & ASL offices etc. In bocca al lupo
I would find out where you would pay the least tax & pay the tax there. You shouldn't be taxed twice. Professional advice would be a good idea so you can calculate which is your best option. I have residency in England & Italy, no-one seems to notice In bocca al lupo
Hi Atessa Here is my post about a cheap-sounding internet bank account in Italy. I f I didn't already have a (nice expensive) account with my local bank I would give it a try. In bocca al lupo
"chrisnotton...............have you transferred your licence?" S No why?