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Mon, 07/26/2010 - 10:56

Remember that if you do get a "survey" from a Geometra, it is very important you get the report in writing (not via email only) and that you pay for this "survey" properly with an invoice and IVA. If you don't and you ever want to have some recourse using the document, you will have a hard time proving anything otherwise. I have left the word "survey" in quotes because in my experience in Italy this document bears little resemblance to a survey from a UK surveyor and rarely runs to more than a sheet of A4.

Sun, 07/25/2010 - 06:19

Hi Moruzzo. Thank you. I am currently 9 months pregnant so I'm having a pause from the stress of it all to be honest. Once things are a bit more settled I'll get back to it so can I contact you then?

Sat, 07/24/2010 - 11:11

Chris, you don't need to have had 5 years residency in the commune. You just need your "Attestazione di residenza permanente per i cittadini dell'unione Europea" as to get this you must have lived in Italy for 5 years. Your period of official residency is irrelevant. Unfortunately, I suspect you will get the same result in 12 months time in that they will only give you another 12 months. You will have no other documentation to show in 12 months time once you have had residency for 5 years so I can't see why it would be different. Looks to me that this is a wider spread problem than just Marche.

Answer to: Bank account
Sat, 07/24/2010 - 11:06

The bank I use is Banca Credito Cooperativo Picena (BCC Picena). There is usually a Cooeprative bank in most areas. Otherwise, Banca Nazionale di Lavoro (BNL) are offering a new account with "zero spese". BNL is a national bank so you should find one in Tuscany somewhere.

Fri, 07/23/2010 - 12:42

Sorry to disappoint you but it's 20% frown. Went up a while ago.

Fri, 07/23/2010 - 12:35

Firstly, if you are going to apply for your residency straight away then there is no way it will take 18 months to process so try not to worry. Italian beaurocracy can be slow but not that slow! Personally I have never heard of the 10% discretionary fine (RAM have you?) but I had to pay the difference between the 3% and the 10% purchase tax for slightly different reasons. I had to pay the 7% difference plus a 30% fine plus interest. As your estate agent says, no-one can "look into" this for you and find out if you "would" be fined in this way. From what your estate agent is saying, I think s/he means the amount you would have to pay if you don't take residency within 18 months "could" be based on the purchase price instead of on the cadastral value (which is usually lower). I don't think s/he means you would pay the 7% difference plus 30% fine plus interest and then 10% of the purchase price on top but it might be worth checking with them.

Wed, 07/21/2010 - 14:36

What a coincidence - not many of us around! That sounds fantastic. We're going to rent in Bordighera for the next 2-3 years while we potter away at the house. We're going flat hunting in October for a month once our baby is a couple of months old. Send me a message with your contact details and maybe we can meet up? Have fun in Bordighera - it's lovely isn't it?

Wed, 07/21/2010 - 09:43

Thanks Casa Monal - lots going on at the moment! Hi La Dolcevita - that sounds exciting. By reputation the local tecnico is supposed to be very strict and difficult in Apricale so the planning stage could be slow for us. We're renovating but very slowly. That's the one thing we've learnt in the last 6 years here is don't rush. Things always end up costing more money when you rush (for lots of different reasons!). The great thing about building from scratch is you should be able to get a fixed price whereas it is so much harder with a renovation project. We're fortunate that my husband comes from a long line of builders so we hope to do a lot ourselves. Enjoy your trip!

Tue, 07/20/2010 - 07:52

INPS does not cover you only for pensions but also for your health cover, state benefits (invalidity, sickness etc). I also asked when I first setup whether I could "opt out" of INS or even a part of it if I was paying UK voluntary NI and was given a resounding no by two accountants. I would definitely double check this advice with your local INPS office. I have always found them quite helpful.

Wed, 07/14/2010 - 09:30

We stayed in Rimini recently just for one night so can't give specific recommendations (wasn't there long enough). We asked the hotel and got a very good recommendation for dinner at a local (quite swish) family-run trattoria. IMHO Rimini probably isn't the place for the kind of rustic family trattoria run by mamma & papa with their doe-eyed children serving. It is a very touristy place and at this time of year will be packed.  Having said that I am sure the hotel can recommend a very nice local family-run restaurant for you. "casareccia" means homemade so I would ask for a restaurant with "cibo casareccia" or "cibo fatto a mano" whic literally means handmade food. Somewhere nice for a glass of wine or an aperitivo is a little harder as it depends on what you want. There are so many bars and beach chalets that you really will be spoilt for choice. Many of the bars will have a buffet included in the (more expensive to cover the cost of the buffet) price of the aperitivo. Some are swish and full of beautiful people, others very "beachy" so it depends on what you are looking for. If you give us a little more info maybe someoen else has some recommendations for the kind of bar/chalet you are looking for. Have a wonderful time!