NEWS !!from 27 march, new Ryanair Airline from Perugia to Francoforte
Ugo's activity
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STOP TO IMMIGRATION TAX FOR 200-EURO The government will then immediately delete the "super tax" of 200 Euros that
Canone Rai: Agenzia Entrate, ecco come chiedere il rimborso
Financial guarantees: careful !!before agreeing to a guarantee of payment, or in lieu of payment, a guarantee or a warranty, especially if NOT issued by an Italian bank, read the article is about the Bank of Italy, at the following link http://ww
Wishing you all a very best 2013 , I takes this opportunty to announce that the website , has set up a new section Italia Segreta, what, where, when, in Italy A DataBase of Italian regions, full of pictures of places, links
the Bank of Italy announced that there are some banks or financial institutions, which are present in Italy, which are not authorized to operate in the Italian market, as it does not on the lists of the bank 's Italy - We strongly recommend not to
Property for sale in Umbria , near Todi , 150 km from Rome Airport and 45 from Perugia airport ( direct Raynair flights to London ) – the property is 600 sqm restored in 2004 , fully living with a private land .
have some furnitures for sale , from a sold villa in Umbria , photos, info and prices , to the following link
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official site > agenzia delle entrate . is ok ? page 17first home purchase, for the benefits requirementsREQUISITI PER I BENEFICI I requisiti necessari per avere le agevolazioni prima casa sono:• l’abitazione non deve avere le caratteristiche di lusso indicate dal decreto ministeriale del 2 agosto 1969 (G.U. n. 218 del 27/8/69)• l’immobile deve essere ubicato nel comune in cui l’acquirente ha >la propria residenza < o in cui >intende stabilirla entro diciotto mesi dalla stipula >>> NOTA BENE >> o nel comune in cui l’acquirente svolge la propria attività ovvero, se trasferito all’estero per lavoro, in cui ha sede il datore di lavoro;<<<per i cittadini residenti all’estero (iscritti all’Aire - “Anagrafe degli italiani residenti all’estero”) deve trattarsi di prima casa posseduta sul territorio italiano.Per il personale delle Forze armate e delle Forze di polizia non è richiesta la condizione della residenza nel comune di ubicazione dell’immobile acquistato con le agevolazioni prima casa. Inoltre, nell’atto di acquisto il compratore deve dichiarare:• >> di non essere titolare, esclusivo o in comunione col coniuge, di diritti di proprietà, usufrutto, uso e abitazione di altra casa di abitazione nel territorio del comune dove si trova l’immobile oggetto dell’acquisto agevolato <<. di non essere titolare, neppure per quote o in comunione legale, <<su tutto il territorio nazionale,>> di diritti di proprietà, uso, usufrutto, abitazione o nuda proprietà, su altra casa di abitazione, acquistata, anche dal coniuge, usufruendo delle agevolazioni per l’acquisto della prima casa• di impegnarsi a stabilire la residenza entro diciotto mesi nel comune dove è situato l’immobile oggetto dell’acquisto, qualora già non vi risieda.
okay okay, maybe here, someone can not understand what we're writing.So, I will try to explain again, that according to Italian law, there are different types of residence, among these there is the Residenza Elective, this type of permit does not give the possibility to work in Italy and then the only income that is produced, and which is therefore taxable in Italy, is given by the income generated from real estate , that you own in Italy, among them precisely the house, which you can then buy as First home in Italy .PLEASE NOTE, in ITALY, not in the WORLD.It follows that the revenues generated in other countries, should not be reported in Italy.However all facilities, which in Italy are recognized to the Italian citizens owner of a first home, will be available for any owner of the first house, whatever his nationality he has, and in any country, he hast their primary residence for tax purposes.Among these tax breaks, are VAT for the restoration, the purchase of furniture, appliances, home purchase it.And of course not having to request each time a visa to enter Italy.Finally, in recent days, the government submitted to parliament a law, according to which, to foreigners who buy in Italy will nevertheless facilitated requests for residence.
Modicasa , regarding Uk citizens , you can see at the following link , the articolo 4 - other countryes , it's possible to find the income tax ,internationals convention ,at the following link , where is possible click on <english language> files wish a good culture to all who readUgo , by
and , Modicasa ,please do not to forget to say that thet must , participate in the expenditure for maintaining a higher political numbers to every country in the world including uk ! and that , as Italy is the country inclined to accommodate all immigrants without building walls or close ports, perhapsthey should choose a different country, where to buy a house, maybe an channel island ..Ultimately, it would be necessary, sometimes, to take knowledge of existing tax laws in Italy, before telling the truth nonexistent. It is not true that there is an obligation to pay in Italy, taxes, on income accrued in other countries, if you do not have Italian citizenship, but only you have the Residenza Elettiva . Tipe of Residence ( R. Elettiva ndr) which is just enough to enjoy the tax rights on first homes. for a happy stay in ItalyUgo
you are free of to pay , but you can EVEN not pay, open a bank account with savings bank , they pay bank fees , for you , using the interest generated by the money that transit into your bank account . i suggest you to come to or
bancoposta ,Codice fiscale , residence ( even Residenza Elettiva) , Passport start procedure , you has to go to an postoffice If you do not have residence in Italy - Bancoposta do not open you a bank account .Remain to is open a bank account to an standard bank , but ATTENTION , italian bank open to you a foreign bank account , this is very expensive - To no pay bank fees , the only solution is a On-Line bank account with Fineko or Ing .
depend by offices ...., and your's luck .. :)
use bancoposta , by all postoffices Ugo , by of the page, the contact coordinates of the Secretariat for Cultural Heritage of Umbria, to send a letter to explain the problem Ugo , by