User Activity

Mimosa replied to a question: A good cup of tea! with: "Dare I mention Auchan own"
Mimosa replied to a question: The Duck with: "Excellent - has already been"
Mimosa replied to a question: Ciao - I'm a 'newbie' with: "Zipping from post to post -"
Mimosa replied to a question: Ciao - I'm a 'newbie' with: "Benvenuto"
Mimosa replied to a question: Beware insect stings with: "This is so weird - I SWEAR by"
Mimosa replied to a question: Beware insect stings with: "Just re-read your comments"
Mimosa replied to a question: Useless gardener needs help with: "Would agree with Valentina's"
Mimosa replied to a question: It's Getting Hot! with: "Agree totally Serge - any"