User Activity

Santamarinese replied to a question: Alps with: "Ciao Billy"
Santamarinese replied to a question: BUON FERRAGOSTO! with: "Anche te"
Santamarinese replied to a question: Roundabouts? with: "Thanks for the info"
Santamarinese replied to a question: Mystery object again with: "Is it the base of a yellow"
Santamarinese replied to a question: Salerno Airport with: "Interesting but...................................."
Santamarinese replied to a question: Loverly marche photos with: "They are..........................."
Santamarinese replied to a question: Driving in Italy....Help!! with: "Driving in Italy"
Santamarinese replied to a question: Red and yellow pepper side dishes with: "Thank you for your suggestions"
Santamarinese replied to a question: Decorations with: "Santa's grotto or................................"