User Activity

Santamarinese replied to a question: Holiday House Insurance with: "You could try..............."
Santamarinese replied to a question: Gifts for Italian neighbours? with: "E difficile!"
Santamarinese replied to a question: Understanding spoken Italian with: "Please see one of my previous posts"
Santamarinese replied to a question: Wind top ups with: "Success - we think!"
Santamarinese replied to a question: Holiday House Insurance with: "Deleted post"
Santamarinese replied to a question: Does anybody know whats going on at GiambroneLaw? with: "Gambrone Law"
Santamarinese replied to a question: Introducing myself with: "Welcome"
Santamarinese replied to a question: Place to stay in Switzerland - en route to Italy with: "Thanks"