New Problems Ronald

07/29/2009 - 08:10

Hi Ronald,don't know if it is just me, but the read all posts button seems to have disappeared today?  I don't read all the posts, so usually click on this, but it has gone!Also, my pm has disappeared on my personal page.  Can you tell me what is the problem?Many thanks.


Hi Francesca - the "Read all post" button is still there  - just click on "Activity".  As for the  private messages we've taken out the link from under the user name as their is the Private Messages section that offers pretty much the same functionalityWe've also added a Photos link at the top which lets you see all the photo galleries created - something that we could not do before. Hope this makes sense! 

 francescaithe activity button at the top of the screen has all those facilities in a drop down list now my PM system seems to be there and that i cannot answer just seen ronalds reply

Hi Ronald.I am finding that the 'mark all as read' button does not appear to be working.  When I click on it, the posts are all still there. Can you please check this out for me?  Many thanks.

Is anyone affected by the same problem? I used the button a second ago and it does work. Francesca, is it possible that you have a low internet connection? Otherwise, please re-try and let me know if it happens again and if the same thing happens to others. 

 the posts remain but they do not have any unread/new reply data beside them... what is cleared is the numbers to the right of each thread with the new replies...  if i am reading what you are saying correctley... what you should do after that to junk that amount of input is then click on todays posts i guess and then you only get current stuff...presume the new activity button has a certain amount of days assigned... so if you go back into it after a new reply that should stand out as the only unread thing you have not checked within the list... i think... 

For me - the 'New Activity' button does not pick up all new and amended posts - but the 'mark all as read' button does 'knock them all out' - including those not recognised by the New Activity button posts So I have to check  carefully to see what I would be missing by hitting the 'Mark all ...' button