Renovating rulesWe own a medieval

Sue McL Image
01/24/2018 - 17:12

Renovating rulesWe own a medieval country house near Assisi. Most of the house was renovated with Commune permissions about 20 years ago but a small part still needs to be worked on.I am fully aware we must get Commune permission to work on the roof and install 'cordolo' but is it alright to replace existing internal ground floor of cementitious material with new concrete floor without nausea and delay of getting Commune permission first  i.e is it legal? Hope someone can advise us.



We have a medieval period home too. Our house was partly a deconsecrated church so we have been heavily regulated by the Belli Arte comission. Are you working with a geometra or on your own? I honestly don’t know the answer to your question. If you are doing the floor work yourself, perhaps you can sneak by without notice.
Good luck with your project.

Urbanistically you will not need comune permission as itis manutenzione ordinaria - as long as it really only replacing a floor.  Hwowever if your building is listed, ie comes under Belli Arti control then you must get a parere favorevole from them. 

Hi Sue, once you are in contact with the Belli Arti everything will change. You can lose the decision making about your own home. So, think before contacting them. Personally I would do your floor work first. Can you get any information about the restowork of 20 years ago? Again, best wishes.

if you want to live in a national monument, its obvious that you have to play by certain rules.  .Your advice to just do the work could end with the OP losing  their  home and possibly prison , so not the most intelligent advice.   It is not difficult to find out about your belli arti status without the BA etting to know.

Thank you both - sounds like we should try and get copies of paperwork for previous renovation work and also make discreet enquiries about belli arti status before we proceed.Certainly don't want to risk losing house or go to prison!Many thanks