Welcome to Our Clubhouse

05/15/2009 - 17:15

:davie: Welcome everyone to the brand new Le Marche Group!This clubhouse is very informal so relax and enjoy Moxie 8)


Might have been a little premature here :bigsmile:So desperate for a place to lay my hat ... Sorry!!Ummm... Ronald Help Help Help please

Ronald could you wipe this off the main page please? Oooh will it disappear from the Group section too?ThanksMox :steve:Please can we get a couple of girl smilies? You could call one of them Moxie!!! (Am currently Steve) Oooh a cat smilie please??

Thanks for building the Club House, Moxie - we can practice in here before venturing out into the big wide community, so it doesn't matter if we get things mixed up. Looks like it is going to be fun. Looking forward to tomorrow. See what we can get fixed up for our next fundraiser!

I think that we were all under the misapprehension that the clubhouse would be 'indoors'. Where is the incentive to join a group if content is available for all?I didn't want this to be a private group - sounded a little exclusive.Can you set this up so if you post in here then it is only visible in the Clubhouse please.Sarah dear you are sitting on my hat ;)

Am off to discover everything about Wikis - Determined that this Marche Chapter Group is going to be both informative and fun. I suspect that we'll want a wiki. Hmmm...I really would love to see everybody taking an active posting role within this group, please do not be shy, nobody here bites apart from me (and I only nibble a bit!) ;) Would a little intro from each new member be helpful?

HI - once you join a group the posts of that group are visible in the piazza for you but not for non-members. The piazza is a way to see everything relating to you that happens in the community (so also group posts). If you want to test it just join a group and then leave it you will see that you will loose the posts of the group you left from the front page.

Mox,When you find all about WIKIKS let us know - haven't got a clue about them.Looking forward to our next batch of emails tonight from the 'Community', At least it looks like I have lots of friends!Got to go - lemon cake ready to come out of the oven. x

Hope that is for the Fundraiser Planning picnic madam - Ooooh is it lemon drizzle? Wikis - I am going to try and set one up 'Best Restaurants in Le Marche' - don't hold your breath :~

In reply to by Sarah and Mark

:bigsmile: Sarah this site is still in its testing/beta stage - new things will be added all the time, we're sitting in the bare bones of it at the moment. There will be a place for the puppy pics I feel it in my nose.Looking forward to the lemon drizzle cake - yummy.Created a Wiki and would like other members to add to it please - not sure if I have done it right.If I am out and Ronald pops in for beer could you ask him to cast his eye over it please? Mox 8) aka Steve?????

Wotcha comrades! Just buffing up the chrome on my Ape ready for our second run! lago Ruffino or bust!Will be digging up my "weathered" jacket and jeans when the thunder stops and thinking about my contribution for tomorrow. :party: Are other Chapter members allowed to join us for our outing?

I know wht Lemon Cakes are and especially lemon drizzle - I want some but its a bit too far to come right now! as in blighty till early June....What are Wiki's the idea of one for best eating places is a great idea!

Don't worry Arty, will make some lemon drizzle for when you come over.Angie. Thought trifle would be a trifle messey for the picnic - maybe next time.Moxie. Do hope there will be a place for our piccys - there is a long way to go with the development of the community, so I hope so!David - I don't mind who comes along - the more the merrier as far as we are concerned as long as they bring yummy food!See you there!

Hope you have a great day!I'm very jealous - only good thing is we have sunshine on Glasgow today! Hope you come up with some great ideas.Really racking my brains re an online fundraising ideas - auctioning David Uno for gardening services came to mind :) LoveJintySave me a bit of Lemon Cake please....

Again I would like to welcome new members to this group :) We are a very friendly bunch so please post info in this Clubhouse on upcoming festa's and any other interesting bits and bobs you might have about your person.You can see that some of us are getting to know each other quite well - we all met through fundraising for L'Aquila and are heavily involved in continuing to aid the people and animals of that shattered place. In order to keep the clubhouse free of our chat (see lemon cake above) we are going to set up a virtual pub for personal and organising items (we do talk alot!) Ok... Where you come in - Join us why dontcha? There is a pizza night coming up and all proceeds will be going straight to the forum fund. More details from our Fat Controller (who isn't) on this shortly.We really look forward to hearing from you all soon Moxie

In reply to by Moxie

A virtual bar - what a good idea, will help to keep the chit chat - which is nice, away from cluttering up eveything else.....Can we have a virtual bar, then it needn;t involve the concept of alcohol, but tea n cake too! Thinking of starting a MArche bread and cake baking club, I do find Italian pattiserie lacking something in the main ...... we could organise an event to raise funds too?

Am awaiting news from Ronald as to whether he can transfer our restaurant wiki info over to the restaurant reviews section but as the reviews thingy is more in depth I think 'tis likely we'll have to start over, if this is the case my apologies. Please do not post anything new on the wiki at the present time.Moxie

Can't go past mention of cake without commenting! Arty if you are in residence in October, Montefalcone has a huge Festa D'autunno. Every year Greg and Giorgio from Il granaio - http://www.il-granaio.com/ - set up an English tea house in town, and do a very good line in gooiness. You may already know them.And if you're ever baking when I'm around, please let me know!

In reply to by Annec

Hi !My baking skills currenlty extend to bread only - but I am willing to learn! We will be bringing a van of household effects in October but not sure if this will co-incide with the Festa - hope so! Il Granaio is on our list having been recommended by several.....Going to sign with my actual name as per old forum....RobertPS You are definately welcome anytime though it might be a hit and miss as far as cakes go!

Anne - we went to the Smerillo Festa the following week as well and there were some delicious cakes there too - all filled (in many different ways) with chestnut. Looking forward to this years Autumn Festivals.

Morning all,Just to say that Gualdo are holding their big cheese festival this weekend, if you are in the area this is well worth a look. It is always well attended and has a fantastic atmosphere in the evenings.San Venanzo (close to Monte San Martino) are holding their Vincisgrassi Festival (also this weekend) which is a very popular and extremely lively affair.Does anybody else have information about events?