Aci chairman joins Fia World Motor Sport Council

| Sat, 11/08/2008 - 03:06

The chairman of the Italian Automobile Club, Enrico Gelpi, was unanimously elected on Friday to fill a vacant seat on the World Motor Sport Council of the International Racing Federation FIA.

Gelpi was elected during a FIA general assembly and his candidacy had been advanced by FIA Chairman Max Mosely, who also heads the council.

A statement from ACI said Gelpi's appointment was ''in recognition of the efforts ACI has made in supporting and increasing the importance of racing. It also rewards the efforts of the Italian automobile industry in developing the sport''.

The World Motor Sport Council is one of FIA's most important bodies and decides on proposals advanced by other FIA commissions.

Its 26 members are chosen by the FIA general assembly which is made up of representatives from the 168 member national automobile clubs.

Gelpi fills the seat left by Italian Marco Picininni who stepped down November 1.
