Sunbathing 'prevents tumours', dermatologist says

| Thu, 07/17/2008 - 03:41

A leading Italian dermatologist on Wednesday said sunbathing for up to two hours a day could cut the risk of developing certain cancers by up to 50%.

Patrizio Mulas, the president of the Italian Hospital Dermatology Association (Adoi), said people should not be afraid of soaking up rays since exposure to the sun is crucial to the body's generation of Vitamin D.

''The summer is the perfect time to enjoy the benefits of the sun, and sometimes an exaggerated fear of developing skin cancer risks doing more harm than good,'' Mulas said.

''Constant exposure for two hours reduces the risk of developing prostate, breast and colon cancer by up to 50%,'' he claimed.

Mulas explained that Vitamin D deficiency dramatically increases the risk of developing the three types of cancer.

A recent study by Boston University researchers in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology backed his claim that Vitamin D is beneficial for warding off prostrate and breast cancers in particular.

''Vitamin D also protects against infectious, autoimmune and cardiovascular diseases,'' he added.

Mulas said that the body's need for Vitamin D changes with age, and that while 200-400 units suffice for the under-50s, people over 70 require at least 600 units a day.

''A good diet and exposure to the sun, even just ten minutes' walk a day, will provide 400-600 units of Vitamin D, which is sufficient for a healthy young person,'' he said.

An hour of ''total body'' sun is meanwhile beneficial for post-menopausal women to combat osteoporosis and prevent breast and colon cancers, Mulas said.

He nevertheless urged sunbathers to avoid the early afternoon when the sun is at its strongest and said people with fair skin should always wear adequate protection.

But sun worshippers were better off than people who use artificial lamps, Mulas added.

''Although sun lamps can provide a certain dose of Vitamin D, the lack of control over exposure means the risk of skin cancer is increased''.

Mulas said people who were unable to soak up the sunshine should make sure their diets were rich in Vitamin-D foods such as eggs, butter, liver and fish rich in Omega-3.
