Uruguayan confesses to murder of Italian tourist

| Fri, 07/11/2008 - 03:35

A Uruguayan waiter has confessed to the murder of a 23-year-old Italian female tourist whose body was found in this Costa Brava resort town on Monday.

Victor Diaz Silva, 28, was arrested Wednesday night in Tarragona, some 200km from here, after disappearing last weekend.

Spanish police have not given any details about his confession nor said what his motive WAS for killing Federica Squarise.

A warrant for Silva's arrest was issued Wednesday after his DNA was found on the body of the Padua native during an autopsy.

The Uruguayan, whose nickname is 'El Gordo' (Fatso), had given police a sample of his DNA when they questioned him before he disappeared.

From the beginning witnessES said they had last seen the Italian woman with Silva on the night she disappeared, June 30.

This was also confirmed by footage from closeD circuit TV cameras.

Squarise's naked body was found Monday in an advanced stage of decomposition in a town park, covered with leaves and branches

On learning of Silva's arrest, an attorney for the Squarise family said ''we must now wait and see what happens next. We would like to know if he acted alone or not''.

Spanish police had been criticised for losing track of Silva after he was questioned.

No details of the autopsy have been released and the exact cause of death is not known.

Lloret de Mar is the largest resort town on the Spanish coast above Barcelona.
