by Carla Passino |
Words by Carla PassinoCentral Italy is a place of many markets. Prices and demand vary wildly from area to area, depending on communication links, closeness to…
by Carla Passino |
Words by Carla PassinoIt is jo-jo going for the Italian lakeside property market—up in one place, down in the next, according to a report by Italian estate…
by Carla Passino |
Words by Carla PassinoSheltered behind a low wall, a creamy-hued stone longhouse surveys a verdant countryside of oaks and granite outcrops, a small lake…
by Carla Passino |
Words by Carla PassinoItaly is one of the top five destinations for British first time buyers looking to purchase abroad. A survey by foreign exchange company…
by Carla Passino |
Words by Carla PassinoTuscany has it all: vineyard-encrusted hills, tall cypresses, beautiful stone farmhouses—and a reputation for being hideously expensive.…
by Carla Passino |
Slow demand, static prices but a softer landing than elsewhere in the Western world. This, in a nutshell, is the state of the Italian property market,…
by Carla Passino |
Words by Carla PassinoHalf a million euros. It is staggering how that kind of budget can buy as little as a smallish flat (in Rome or Milan) or as much as a…
by Carla Passino |
Words by Carla PassinoThe house nestles in the soft embrace of tall trees and lush lawns, a rich flaxen splash against a scintillating kaleidoscope of greens.…
by Carla Passino |
Words by Carla PassinoCalabria, the toe of Italy's boot, is a land of cerulean waters, silver green olive trees and blazing sun. It is also “the next…
by Carla Passino |
Italy has several property markets, each with its own micro-trend. There are staggering differences in prices and demand between North and South, city and…
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