Succession law

09/14/2012 - 17:35

The succession law group was never intended to be private. I do believe in being part of a Community and I have always immediately approved all member requests. This is an interesting developing area of European law and affects all of us. The new Regulation has failed to bring the complete clarity I felt people should be entitled to in planning their succession and choosing the applicable law, especially given the UK decision not to opt-in. I have changed the Group settings to open.


Usually, I don't like to publicize my academia nor general credentials. That is not an intent nor action of accusation against anyone of anything. There are many, as you likely all know, who choose to post about them in their introduction so to type or wherever else and like to bring them up in their day to day verbal dialogue. At present, I am interested in planning to keep my focus, on this part of the site rather then go elsewhere in it.  I get the impression it is open to all who have been approved through the application process except for whoever is barred from it. It is also because I prefer to manage my time, energy and other important resources in this manner.