Black Cavatelli with Beans and Mussels: Cavatelli Neri, Cicerchie e Frutta di Mare

Pasta nero, black squid pasta, is hands down one of the prettiest pastas to serve. The glistening dark pasta is a show-stopping canvas for almost any topping.
The pairing of pasta with beans and seafood is very traditional in Puglia and the delicately briny flavor of the squid ink pasta enhances the taste and visual appeal. I learned this recipe from the Italian blogger Agostina Battaglia (My Pane Burro e Marmellata) but the way the pasta is laid out straight in the photograph is a style of plating popularized by Gualtiero Marchese, Milan-born chef considered the founder of modern Italian cuisine.
Of course, you can serve it the conventional way too. It’s delicious no matter how it’s put on the plate!
Serves 4
Sauté the garlic in a generous amount of oil in a large skillet, then add the mussels, cooked beans, wine, and tomatoes. Cover and cook until the shells open.
Remove the mussels from their shells, leaving a few in the shell for garnish. Toss with al dente pasta, season to taste with salt and red chili peppers. Serve.