New Potatoes in Red Wine

Katia Amore | Wed, 11/26/2014 - 09:36
Difficulty Level
Cooking Time
20 minutes
new potatoes
800 gr
80 gr
red wine
200 ml
sage leaves
1 spring
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Clean the potatoes, scrub them under running water until they are about as clean as they can get and, then, parboil them.

Place them in a pot with salted water. Bring to a light boil and let them cook for approximately 7-10 minutes. To be sure they are ready, stick a fork into one of them. If the fork meets resistance after the initial edge lets it through easily, they are ready to be drained.

Meanwhile, chop the shallots and sautè in butter in a large saucepan over a medium heat, then pour in 100ml of red wine and let it evaporate.

Now add the potatoes (halve the big ones) and brown them, then pour in 100ml of red wine and let it evaporate. Then add the potatoes with the sage leaves and rosemary, let them brown.

At this point, add salt and pepper, then finish with the remaining red wine and serve as soon as they are ready with a sprinkle of Cervia's salt.