Italian word
by Silvia Donati |
Given the bleak international news making headlines just a few days into the new year, we decided our Word of the Week would be pace - peace.
by Alesha Allen |
Having spent five winters in Rome, I never saw snow - la neve - like in the UK. However, I have spent a very wintery weekend in Venice a few years ago,…
by Silvia Donati |
2014 is ending and a new year is about to begin, so our Word of the Week is anno, year.
The plural is anni, years.
New Year's Eve is Capodanno - the new year…
by Silvia Donati |
Catholics in Italy just recently celebrated the Feast Day of Santa Lucia, on December 13. St. Lucy is the patron saint of the blind and those with eye-trouble…
by Silvia Donati |
This Sunday, December 7, Italy’s most famous opera theater, La Scala in Milan, inaugurates its annual opera season, awaited with anticipation by music lovers.…
by Silvia Donati |
We’ve followed with trepidation astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti’s launch into space to reach the International Space Station, which happened last night.…
by Silvia Donati |
As we reported earlier, the Santa Lucia Fair in Bologna opened the season of Christmas markets in Italy today, so we chose mercato for our Word of the Week –…
by Silvia Donati |
This is the time of the year when in Italy we try the “vino novello” (new wine), therefore we picked vino as our Word of the Week.
Do you prefer vino bianco (…
by Silvia Donati |
Temperatures are starting to drop in Italy – il freddo sta arrivando! (cold weather is coming). Our Word of the Week therefore is freddo – cold.
To be cold is…
by Silvia Donati |
It’s Halloween time! So we picked zucca – pumpkin – as our Word of the Week.
Besides referring to the delicious vegetable used in many recipes, including…
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