Italian word
by Anonymous (not verified) |
In the summer, we like to spend as much time as we can all’aria aperta (in the open air). So we picked aria (air) as our Word of the Week.
The word aria…
by Anonymous (not verified) |
Northern Italy hasn’t gotten too much of it this summer yet, but it seems the weather conditions are improving and the sun, il sole, is shining again!
by Anonymous (not verified) |
Summertime – adventure time? With the nicer weather, we have an increased desire for exploring new places, trying out new things… for adventure – avventura.…
by Anonymous (not verified) |
Mare, mare, mare / ma che voglia di arrivare lì da te, da te / sto accelerando e adesso ormai ti prendo / mare, mare, mare…
The refrain from a famous 1990s…
by Silvia Donati |
[In the photo: Cala Domestica, Sardinia]
So you already know the word in Italian for the season we’re in, summer (we told you a couple of weeks ago, but if you…
by Silvia Donati |
We celebrate the official arrival of summer – June 21 – by dedicating our Word of the Week to… summer – l’estate!
Dove trascorrerai l’estate? Where are you…
by Alesha Allen |
Il tavolo is ‘the table’, in the sense of a piece of furniture. However if ‘the table’ is prepared for a meal, it becomes la tavola.
At home, when food is…
by Silvia Donati |
Here at ITALY Magazine we really like taking to the road to explore Italy – there is always something new to discover! So this week we teach you the word…
by Silvia Donati |
Home sweet home, or, as we would say in Italian, casa dolce casa! Our Word of the Week is casa, home or house (no distinction in Italian).
If you want to…
by Silvia Donati |
Isn’t May one of the nicest months of the year? Spring is in full swing, trees and flowers are blooming and there are many outdoor events to enjoy the warm…
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