Annec's activity
Questions Asked
Hi there - doing some research. Anyone know if there is a river Indaco near Ortezzano???Thanks in advance
I may have asked this in the past, but don't know how to search old posts. Anyway,we're spending our first family Christmas in Italy this year. Any favourite recipes gratefully received.
I've just booked flights for 23rd December for whole family including seni-reluctant grown-up children. Two scenarios present themselves to me.
Can be found here: Berardi - who he??
What's with Belgium?? Flying back yesterday (1st July) we could see fireworks going off all over the country.
Got this off facebook: 'Nuff s
Went to see this movie last night in Oxford. Probably one of the slowest films with the least happening that I have ever seen - but actually it was perfect! Shot in Calabria - in part in Serra San Bruno - everyone will recognise a little vignett
I have just receved a document from Ray Ellis which those with an interest in recent-ish history might like to share. I don't know if I can attach it so have copied it in its entirety below - apologies therefore for length of post. Ray Ellis was
Comments posted
jJust for the sake of fairness to Italian utilities (no I don't know why I should be either), notice clauses are the bane of many agreements everywhere and always worth checking. Some are so preceisely worded that you only have about one day a year on which you can terminate! You won't be able to get them changed, but at least you've got a chance of diarising your cancellation
Sorry - just had the plumbers in.....
Am I being hardhearted in saying a wild thing is a wild thing? Would we leave out food for the young of polecats, porcupines or cinghiali?? Is it just that cats are more visible, or that we feel responsible for introducing them in the first place. In which case do we feel the same about grey squirrels in the UK? Most wild animals have short lives. And the weakest will never survive. I agree I'd find it very hard to finish off a mangy kitten - even one as unattractive as your ginger alien, pilch - but then my kids still laugh at the story of me, a mouse caught (but not dead) in a mousetrap, and an enormous rock. The permanent contraception sounds the best answer to salve our consciences, but the mind boggles at quite how these wild, spitting creatures are going to be rounded up and got to the vet! Good luck to all those brave and goodhearted enough to try - and I hope you all have some very thick gauntlets ready......
Not sure if it's me or this site which means I can't start a new thread. Anyway, this magazine, which I told everyone about on the old forum, is now an online publication and can be accessed here: you've registered you've got access to all the back numbers as well
Still having difficultlies creating a new thread. Anyway, I wanted to alert everyone to this:'s just an illustration of the care we all ought to exercise when giving out personal information to basically the entire world. I'm constantly amazed by my kids' lack of understanding of the dangers of splurging everything out on social networking sites. Do they really want that picture of them on the toilet still floatingaround the interweb 40 years on??Don't get me wrong, I love the channels of communication opened up by the internet in all its forms. But I think we've still goto a way to go in understanding how much to divulge and to who. For instance, do we want to openly post when we will be leaving our property (either in Italy or the UK) empty?
I'm still trying to get hold of the anti-antievolutionists badge that reads :"Gravity...... only a Theory" Any ideas for a similar riposte to this load of cr*p?
Some excellent driving tips here Valentina - I especially approve of "Always drive in the middle of the road to avoid running over beloved pets" !!
Using the walking and quacking like a duck principle, he definitely IS an idiot
..and her stories of her Italian boyfriend's family's trek from Southern Italy to find work in the North. Shows the intelligence and tenacity they required, as well as the hostility and racism they encountered from the supposedly better educated North Stereotyping a group of people - a lazy tactic employed by inadequates to impress the idiots. (Sorry - large glass of Talisker talking....)
Hi Beery, good luck with all your plans. Keep us all posted. Tiler eh? shouldn't be short of work wherever you are.....pavimenti per tutti dappertutto!!