alan h's activity

Questions Asked

TARI Tax 2024


Just had my TARI bill for 2024.  I used the PagoPA website to pay it online 

I had major problems with it not accepting my payment - it seemed to freeze after the card details were entered.

Sat, 09/07/2024 - 05:58

Travelling back from Lake Orta area in N Italy, we travelled to the Simplon Pass to reach our first overnight stop in Sion.

Imagine our delight to find that a landslide has closed the pass "for the foreseeable future"

Tue, 07/02/2024 - 02:07

Don't forget - IMU 1st payment due 16th June

Thu, 05/16/2024 - 06:18

Swiss Motorway Vignette - Online E-Purchase.


You can now buy a e-vignette online.  All electronic, so no sticker issued.  It work by using your car number plate. 


Mon, 12/18/2023 - 04:17

We used to use Book Depository to get books for our Italian friends at Christmas.

Book Depository now closed.  Does anyone know of an Italian (or EU) bookshop that will accept orders from the UK and deliver to an Italian address?

Sat, 12/02/2023 - 07:37

Train travel from UK to Italy 


Wed, 11/22/2023 - 13:42

Open Log Fires in Piemonte [and other areas]


Tue, 09/19/2023 - 05:36



Bought mine - less than £5 all in.  Took about a week to arrive.


Wed, 08/09/2023 - 09:25

EU Entry Permit Required From 2024


Mon, 06/26/2023 - 04:08



I am aware that some posters on this site have got the IMU discount for UK Pensioners with a holiday home in Italy, that is not rented out at all.

Mon, 06/19/2023 - 10:17

Comments posted

Answer to: TV set from UK
Thu, 07/01/2010 - 13:17

"Everything will work OK on the adaptors but it does mean you use more electricity."   Apart from the cost of running the little red neon bulb - how are they more expensive to run?

Answer to: TV set from UK
Tue, 06/29/2010 - 04:28

Take a few UK multipoint extension leads with you when you move.  Remove the plugs on them and replace with Italian plugs.  Then you don't have to change the plug on every appliance you take over, [though you may wish to over time] and you won't have to throw phone chargers etc away and buy new ones.  Also useful when [if] you have visitors with all their paraphernalia

Tue, 06/29/2010 - 04:20

If you go down the 'rubber feet' road, try refixing the wall bracket with rubber feet between it and the wall - this will minimise ant transmitted vibrations. However,  I suspect the problem is more 'fan noise' from the machine, and there is not much you can do about this.  You could look at fitting a horizontal panel below the unit [a shelf] - which could act as a noise deflector and reduce the noise going down to your neigbours flat.

Answer to: TV set from UK
Mon, 06/28/2010 - 10:18

They all should work fine - but remember that your electric supply will probably be limited to 3kW - so you may neeed to make sure that you don't have too many things at once.   2 things;- TV - will need re-programming for the italian signal  - see earlier responses in this thread kettle- don't bring one - they invariably blow the circuit as they take too much power

Mon, 06/28/2010 - 04:57

I went to this website;-   Lake Garda Bus Timetables  This gives the Summer timetable for Line 27 [the route you need];  Linea 027 Bus - Summer service  I believe that this shows two types of ‘bus run’ –  .                       ANN = All year round     .             and   .                        EST = Summer only  So you should be able to use any of the buses shown for your trip    Hope this helps

Sun, 06/27/2010 - 07:54

Sprostoni wrote;- "I am saddened, you have (I suppose) to take some responsibility yourself, as, during the interviewing process when selecting the (at the time) future 'Mrs', surely you covered in detail the 'I'm always in charge' area of questioning?"   Nobody told me that I was supposed to be the one who chose.  Can I seek a rematch?

Sat, 06/26/2010 - 14:01

Colonel Mustard [welcome back Sir] asked Sorry, but where is it and how do I access it? Old duffer shuffles off a with reddening face!   Once a Group is proposed it takes a couple of days for 'Admin' to approve it [or block it].   But as they have previously approved the setting up of such Groups as "Those who think that Mr B is an idiot", I am certain they won't delay these two I have proposed surprise   [Pigs may also fly, and England win the World Cup]

Sat, 06/26/2010 - 10:50

I've just set up [subject to administrator approval - so it may not happen!] 2 new groups. "Articles For Sale or Free",  and   "Articles Wanted"   Hopefully one of two things will happen.  either the ADMINISTRATORS will get off their collective b*ms and set up their own [proper] Groups, or mine will go through.  Either way, we should have some facility in the near future   [Or, they could block it]     [sits back and waits ................]

Thu, 06/24/2010 - 15:59

on 10th june I posted   ""They .......... have a pasta party for every Italian game" What happens after the first round is finished?"   Looks like we should know pretty soon!

Tue, 06/22/2010 - 18:20

"we are squared away as far as permissions are concerned"  Doesn't the permission state what type of building is permitted?  If not [and I can't think why it doesn't] - I'd always go for a traditional built one - concrete base, brick/block/stone walls with a felted timber 'flat' roof, not forgetting the power supply and drainage