alan h's activity

Questions Asked

TARI Tax 2024


Just had my TARI bill for 2024.  I used the PagoPA website to pay it online 

I had major problems with it not accepting my payment - it seemed to freeze after the card details were entered.

Sat, 09/07/2024 - 05:58

Travelling back from Lake Orta area in N Italy, we travelled to the Simplon Pass to reach our first overnight stop in Sion.

Imagine our delight to find that a landslide has closed the pass "for the foreseeable future"

Tue, 07/02/2024 - 02:07

Don't forget - IMU 1st payment due 16th June

Thu, 05/16/2024 - 06:18

Swiss Motorway Vignette - Online E-Purchase.


You can now buy a e-vignette online.  All electronic, so no sticker issued.  It work by using your car number plate. 


Mon, 12/18/2023 - 04:17

We used to use Book Depository to get books for our Italian friends at Christmas.

Book Depository now closed.  Does anyone know of an Italian (or EU) bookshop that will accept orders from the UK and deliver to an Italian address?

Sat, 12/02/2023 - 07:37

Train travel from UK to Italy 


Wed, 11/22/2023 - 13:42

Open Log Fires in Piemonte [and other areas]


Tue, 09/19/2023 - 05:36



Bought mine - less than £5 all in.  Took about a week to arrive.


Wed, 08/09/2023 - 09:25

EU Entry Permit Required From 2024


Mon, 06/26/2023 - 04:08



I am aware that some posters on this site have got the IMU discount for UK Pensioners with a holiday home in Italy, that is not rented out at all.

Mon, 06/19/2023 - 10:17

Comments posted

Mon, 05/17/2010 - 05:00

Why not build you own - to see whether they are effective?

Sat, 05/15/2010 - 13:43

There is time to pick up some of the language - I'd suggest the Michel Thomas CDs [you can usually get them on eBay for about £30 on the 'Buy Now' system] Its suprising what you can pick up from the CDs, just listening in the car or at home. Good Luck

Thu, 05/13/2010 - 04:19

the 'map of user location' [terrible title] shows some people in your area You could try a PM to them

Wed, 05/12/2010 - 11:02

"our contract is for two years and then we will probably return to the UK. " - I wouldn't bother for two years. "My husband would like to buy a car here for work as hire costs are extortionate - is it right that you have to be resident to buy an Italian car?  Is there any way around this?  I have a UK car which we bought over.  Unless I become resident and nationlise my car here, I think I have to bring it back to the UK before the end of the year for it's MOT?" - just buy a newish car next time your in UK - then no MOT required until you return to UK - and as you have a UK address , you can get uk based car insurance that covers being abroad all the time

Mon, 05/10/2010 - 18:35

"This has always been the case. The notary will not permit a non-Italian speaking person to sign a contract in Italian." Not when I bought mine about 8 years ago - at least, not for my purchase [perhaps its one of those Italian laws that's ignored more than adhered to]

Sun, 05/09/2010 - 18:16

Unfortunately it is American - but some good info anyway

Wed, 05/05/2010 - 10:21

I've had good experiences with geometras, picking them by local recommendation.  They are good 'hands-on' people, who [in my opinion] know what they are talking about I trained as a Civil Engineer, [back in the last Millenium], and I believe what you are looking at is non-structural  [ie - if the render fell of, the building would remain standing and you could just re-render it].  In which case, and experienced local geometra could easily look at it and say the render is OK. If you are worried about what is under the render, then its a different matter - you'd possibly need an Engineer to strip the render off to do a survey - but I don't think that's what you need [you say there isn't any cracking in the wall]  Anyway, I would expect the Geometra to pick up the need for any such intrusive survey.  If he recommends such a survey - I would walk away from the house

Answer to: election
Wed, 05/05/2010 - 09:18

Here in the UK many of us can't wait for it to end!   If World War 3 broke out - it might just make the last 5 minutes of the News programmes   All there is to look forward to [whoever gets in] is cuts and raised taxes - Wonderful !!!!!!!!!!!