I'm planning my route down for a months visit in July. I travel through Switzerland as its a convenient route to the Lake Maggiore/Lake Orta area.
alan h's activity
Questions Asked
I logged on this morning to my local webcam, to look at the snow on the ski slopes. [When I'm in UK I like to see something of what its like at my place in the hills]
Loved the note about changing the locks!
I have just got back from my latest trip to Italy, and thought some of you might be interested to hear about a Swiss hotel that we stayed in on the way down.
For many years now I have used the likes of 'mappy', 'via michelin' etc for calculating different routes down to Italy - for us its a part of our holiday, so we don't always want to take the quickest/shortest route down. We prefer to vary t
Today I received an email from the Swiss Travel Centre. The relevant portion is;-
I've just driven down and back for a [much too] short holiday, and feel that an update on how fuel prices look on the way down would be useful to fellow travellers
P&O have introduced a new ferry on the Dover - Calais route - its called the Spirit of Britain.
They seem to have a special offer on at the moment [on this ship only]
Does Tomato soup exist in Italy?
We were feeling a bit under the weather when we went out to Italy 2 weeks ago.
The route/timings for next years Giro d'Italia have been posted
Comments posted
Thank for the information.
One question - the reference to vaccine bar codes, is this on the new NHS Covid Pass, or is it on something else?
(Just had message from NHS that the Covid Pass is now available, both electronic and paper version)
You must be joking?
Second clue. Everton Football Club are also known as the Blues - their kit is coloured BLUE
(I think I'm losing the will to live!!!!!!!)
I think it's fair to say that each Comune has its own wY of dealing with bills.
I now use, as I say above, the Bank route. Before that I used the IBAN BIC way - both have their faults. ---
My bank closed my branch and transferred me to a nearby branch, but forgot to pay the F24s, in the reorganisation process, until reminded, after the due date
When I used BIC IBAN route, I was contacted 6 years later, saying I hadn't paid one bill. They had lost my email, but luckily I had a copy to send them.
So keep good records of what you do.
My Comune sends the F24s to me for paying bills - but I have to email the signed F24s to my Italian bank for payment to be made.
The Comune does have an online bill payment site, but at present 'foreigners ' can't use it - but they are working on how to let us do it.
So, in essence, my advice is talk to the Comune, as every Comune seems to have different processes in place.
Go on - have a guess - what colour is their football kit???????
I think it is actually that the access has been (regularly?) used for 20 years.
See: ..... (I have no link to this company)
I can't find anything that states what to do in your situation.
I'd suggest that you phone the Italian Embassy for advice on the matter.
Will you have to quarantine for 5 days at your place in Italy? On theory, it looks like you should.
How will you get to Italy?
I thought that France, Germany and Italy had quarantine requirements on Brits, and no way through Switzerland. Unless, of course, you have Italian residency.
You could try Googling "Siena Italy Forums" to contact people in the area