We all have cooking tips and techniques learnt through personal experience or because someone else was kind enough to tell us.
Gala Placidia's activity
Questions Asked
A fairly comprehensive list of words related to food and wine has been prepared by a few of us. It still needs revision, corrections, additions and you may be able to help as it is a Wiki.
It is official, the old Casino in Bagni di Lucca is reopening its doors after many years; however, it is going to be a modern version, more "little Las Vegas" style than its elegant and exclusive predecessor.
A few weeks ago I started a thread in the old forum about this topic. I still think that it would be great if we could all share our favourite recipes which our families and friends enjoy.
I think that there are quite a few members who have married overseas an Italian citizen; however, I am not quite certain whether they have registered their certificate of marriage before the nearest Italian Consulate.It is advisable to do this an
It is most important, if you own a property, to have a clear description for it. That is possible through the "visura catastale" which gives you and confirms many facts regarding your title.
Polenta is one of those Italian dishes that you either love or hate. Considered in the past as the poor people's staple diet it is nowadays served in the best restaurants.
I have just seen on TV some images regarding the Treviso tornado. I sincerely hope that any members in the area have not suffered from this disaster.
The base for many Italian sauces and dishes is the "soffritto" (sofrit in French, sofrito in Spanish), a mixture of some diced vegetables which are cooked in a heavy pan with three tablespoons of olive oil (although some other kinds of oil and fa
Hi everyone, this is a warm invitation to joint this group and discuss Italian food, wine, regional cooking, recipes, tips, cooking utensils, history of cooking and any related subject you may wish to talk about.And welcome, Mimosa, glad to see t
Comments posted
or going back to Italy, great excuse!
http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/index.htm Try to find yourself and enjoy!
Regarding the previous joke on Italian custom officers....could you imagine the sort of trouble they could have with a "Cinquecento".....
Italian customs officers Five Englishmen in an Audi Quattro arrive at the Italian border. The Italian customer agent stops them and tells them: "Itsa illegal to putta fiva people ina Quattro." "What do you mean it's illegal?" asked the Englishmen. "Quattro means four," replies the Italian official. "Quattro is just the name of the automobile," the Englishman says, not believing what he is hearing. "Look at the papers: this car is designed to carry 5 persons." "You can'ta pulla thata one ona me," replies the Italian customs agent. "Quattro means four. You hava fiva people ina your car and you are therefore breakin'a the law". The Englishman replies angrily, "You idiot! Call your supervisor over We want to speak to someone with more intelligence!" "Sorry," responds the Italian official, "he can'ta come". "He's a busy with two guys in a Uno".
I would try one of the Italian Banks, such as Monte dei Paschi di Sienna (the world's oldest bank). They do have an office in London, but I do not have their address. We deal with them in Bagni di Lucca and they are very helpful, although we opened our account in Italy. Do you already have your Codice Fiscale number? Otherwise, you must obtain that document first.
Fillide, I do not think that you are aware that some of the members of the old forum you mention left well before the demise of that forum and the creation of the new Community. And those events happened at least 2 years ago. I do not know much about the circumstances because I was away at the time, but there were quite a few posts and threads deleted, so if you were not there, you would not have a clue of what was going on. [admin comment: this was a reply to a post that we removed] As you say, some of those members were very valuable and I regret that they took that decision. Other members mentioned by you are still here, such as Adriatica and Geotherm (posting now under the name of Badger). I am not quite sure about the meaning of your paragraph about nationalities. In my opinion, a mixture of nationalities is beneficial for the forum and it is up to non-UK members and visitors to decide whether this is the right place for them. Otherwise, this community would become a very boring ghetto. The community is open to all those who love Italy and things Italian, at least this is the way I understand it.
I guess that it may depend on the particular Comuna and the scope of the works. Some of the Comune publish in Internet their requirements, just like this: http://http://www.comune.zevio.vr.it/3-uffici-comunali/64-urbanisticaedilizia-privata.html Make a search through google.it using the name of your Comuna and the words "marche bollo urbanistica edilizia privata" Good luck!
I agree with Gromit that the prices found at the San Lorenzo markets are excellent and some of the ties are quite beautiful, but they come from China. Here is a very interesting article on this topic: http://http://www.nytimes.com/1997/04/10/business/italian-silk-industry-upset-by-a-new-us-trade-law.html?pagewanted=1
Here you are! http://http://www.camiciacastello.com/
Italy has lost most of its silk industry due to the low Chinese prices. Even some of the silk scarfs are only stamped in Italy. Next to our place in Bagni di Lucca there used to be a mill which employed many locals in the old times as the area was able to produce its own silk.... Unfortunately, it is now a ruin....