Joy's activity

Questions Asked

Does anyone know how Italy is for asthma.  Having only been couple of weeks at a time just wondering for people there long term how they find it compared to UK.  Also how they cope for treatment.  Thanks 

Fri, 07/04/2014 - 05:15

I have just read the youth unemployement figures - very worrying!  40.5% in Italy (20.7% in UK)  which will only lead to more youngsters leaving the country to find work.  Ireland lost 400,000 15-24 year olds in last 3 years. 

Fri, 05/31/2013 - 05:49

Did anyone see the programme on BBC4 last night - Good Italy Bad Italy - very interesting if not depressing.

Wed, 02/27/2013 - 06:53

I remeber a few weeks back someone said they couldn't have an electric kettle on at the same time as water heater. Is this something that only happens in rural areas or is it everywhere?

Sun, 10/14/2012 - 11:19

I am appealing for help please. My great nephew 8 year old Jude is now really disabled with Muscular Dystrophy. He is a really happy little boy but due to his deterioration finding things to keep him busy is becoming more difficult.

Wed, 11/09/2011 - 14:55

I just booked 2 seats Bournemouth to Pisa return for £28 all in. I just love Mr O'Leary. x

Mon, 08/15/2011 - 18:57

Thought it might be interesting to know why people chose the area they now live in. Whether its because you have family there, just like the area etc.

Sun, 05/22/2011 - 17:14

We havent visited Rome yet so have decided that's where our next visit will take us!

Sun, 08/01/2010 - 11:13

Comments posted

Answer to: Hello
Fri, 01/01/2010 - 15:37

  There are a few people from that area on here - so I'm sure you will find someone to 'talk' to. Good luck with your move - hope it is all you expect. Are you working there or retiring?  Why did you choose the area? I love it - so am very envious that you are moving. Joy

Thu, 12/31/2009 - 15:19

  Have to say I thought this all rather strange.  Think Jenta is right.  Often people post these extraordinary problems but then they are never heard from again!  Personally I don't reply any more but wait and see how it develops.

Sat, 11/21/2009 - 18:01

Thank you Adriatica - interesting read.  Could you just explain why not to buy 'above the olive tree line'  Is this due to weather as presumably North facing?I live in an area that gets flooded but we are higher up the cliffs so our property not affected - something to always consider and especially in the future.

Fri, 11/20/2009 - 15:11

AdriaticaCould you please explain about the places where not to buy for us 'uninitiated' please.  I presume its because of weather?thanks  Joy

Thu, 11/19/2009 - 15:57

myabruzzohome - maybe she's been put in the well by her husband!!!!!!!!!!!???????????

Sun, 11/15/2009 - 14:49

(Hi Heiko  - The old forum was broke and needed fixing!)  Some members on there thought they were invincable and if anyone posted something they didn't like they were really nasty with their comments.This 'community' is a bit er quiet for a better word but that is probably all our own fault for not writing anything invigorating.  Maybe we should all try harder. I do not come on very often myself as my move to Italy is on the back burner now - maybe due to economics others are the same and therefore not asking questions at present.I do agree with comments that 'if you don't like it go elsewhere'.  After all why should people who do enjoy this site have to read peoples moans and groans.  It's like someone coming in to your home and saying they don't like your furniture etc most of us would tell them to sod off!The forum or community is what the members make of it - instead of complaining let's try and make it more enjoyable.Group hug is called for.   

Sat, 11/07/2009 - 18:59

Hello TomThe best site I have ever found for my Italian genealogy  is: people on there are either from the US or Italy in the main and very, very knowledgeable.  Give some details and often within hours they are able to give you information that would take ages for you to find.  It is a very friendly site also.Take a look and ask for help.Good luckJoy 

Sun, 08/30/2009 - 14:46

Sir TK - HMRC should spend their time on the big fish but they don't.  So many get away with vast sums - some are downright criminals and others are 'top' businessmen who know all the loopholes.  The 'small' man is an easy target and therefore very vulnerable to being caught.  I know of self employed people who have been hounded for trivial amounts, who, by nature of the business they are in cannot fiddle anything worthy of an investigation  - but HMRC think otherwise!  Be aware.

Sun, 08/30/2009 - 14:27

Thanks for the post Alan.  It's always interesting to read of other people's experiences.  They obviously didn't think too hard before making the move.  They also wouldn't be happy living in a rural area in England so why do it in a foreign country?  I also think that in any rural area you have to make the first move to make friends - you cannot expect people to come to you when you are the 'outsider'.  I'm sure they are happy now and that's all that matters.  Better to have tried than never do anything and live in wonderment.

Answer to: Hello
Tue, 06/16/2009 - 18:37

It will be quite hot  especially in Rome mid July but what the heck - you will so enjoy it all.  It is really nice to be going somewhere very special for an anniversary.  Hope you have a wonderful time.  Our anniversary is September so we will be in Italy then and Christmas in Canada - snow, snow and more snow!! so I am told.