prairiepaintbrush's activity

Questions Asked

When you have moved to Italy, do you bring your furniture from home or do you purchase furniture there?

Fri, 11/14/2014 - 15:57

Private message or email? Can I PM someone on this site? Or send them an email?  Sorry, I'm not seeing it.  Thanks!

Sun, 08/17/2014 - 22:52

What would you think of this property, those of you already living in italy?

Sun, 08/17/2014 - 12:59

Comments posted

Sun, 08/17/2014 - 22:36

The comments about being ripped off got me to thinking. Is there anything in Italy like Angie's List? I'm afraid that might sound ridiculous, but something like that...where people can rate workers and give honest reviews. Also, does anyone ever call out the scoundrels, say on television features or whatever? That is fairly common in the states. Sometimes when there is a lot of hail or some other damaging event, crummy workers will appear and be hired to fix things, then they don't finish or do bad work, and when more and more people complain, it comes to the attention of newspapers and newstations. Just a thought.

Sun, 08/17/2014 - 21:18

Stephanie, it sounds like you're in a good position to find some kind of work. Your language skills are surely an advantage. Good luck.  Let us know what you find out.  :)

Sun, 08/17/2014 - 19:10

Yes, "why is it so cheap" is what I've heard from other ex pats as a question to ask regarding any property. My problem is that's about the most I'll be able to afford, so that is the range I look in. Is anyone familiar with this town? I'm in the research stage. Input from people on the ground is so valuable! Steve, when you say you know most of the people selling, are you referring to the company that listed this? Thank you. :)

Sat, 08/16/2014 - 20:43

I figured as much. Thanks, Fred

Thu, 08/14/2014 - 22:00

I hope I haven't already done something out of line.i do want to enjoy participation here.

Thu, 08/14/2014 - 21:58

Thank you for the great post Fred. You have my dream life! I remember the term "blister bug" but I haven't encountered any for so long, I forget what they are like.
I know you didn't think I expected you to gift the wildlife with your chickens. Ha! I just feel sorry for the beasties. They have a hard time in the Dallas Fort Worth area. There is so much conflict and competition for space. I work for a city garden and they are forever having armadillos, possums, raccoons and other creatures removed. We had foxes for a while, and bobcats.

Thu, 08/14/2014 - 18:52

Thank you for asking, Barry. I have been looking at Abruzzo, because it might be affordable to me, it looks like a beautiful area, and my goal is to grow some grapes and have a few fruit and olive trees. I will not be leaving soon, but I can't stop thinking about it, so I'm looking for friendly places to chat with ex pats, while also pouring over property listings.
S Gilbert, I hear you. I'll try to check out your book. I'm sure it's very helpful.
Orna, so glad your plans worked out well. Would you consider revealing the agent you used?

Thu, 08/14/2014 - 00:19

Ha ha! Good luck with your fixing. Just remember, the critters were there before we were. In Texas we have coyotes, etc.

Wed, 08/13/2014 - 23:59

Barry, I would personally like to hear the stories of Americans retiring in Italy, as that would be my circumstance. I've read a lot about Brits moving over, and young people from all over taking the plunge. Us golden American oldies need representation too! :)

Wed, 08/13/2014 - 23:50

Oh, Nicola, would you be able to reveal the name of the company you bought the house from? I'm sure folks will appreciate the heads up.