Penny's activity

Questions Asked the powers that be made this the clunkiest forum (or whatever you want to call it) in the world and we have all managed to get over it and struggle on. Now, they 'update' it again and make it even worse!! How is that possible.

Thu, 05/16/2013 - 04:53

I've just been looking into this whole subject when someoen mentioned the new voucher system.

Thu, 01/10/2013 - 11:19

Just in case anyone else has been making the same mistake as me....If your comune has an IMU rate higher than the standard 0.76% (e.g.

Thu, 12/06/2012 - 06:13

I just saw today that just paying the IMU is not enough but we have to do an 'Imposta Municipale Propria - Dichiarazione per l'anno 2012'.

Tue, 11/20/2012 - 08:20

I have just had to create a secure email account (PEC in Italian) so that I can communicate a SCIA with my comune. It seems this is the way it is going for most comune now.

Tue, 10/16/2012 - 11:52

There have been quite a few British resident in Marche who have had the Guardia di Finanza turn up on their doorstep asking them to make an appointment to produce all their bank details and property details in the UK.It seems when the person arriv

Thu, 10/04/2012 - 15:50

We have formed a Societa' Agricola which has puchased our new farm. I am guessing that when I pay the IMU, the F24 needs to be in the name of the Societa' as this is the owner of the property.

Sun, 06/10/2012 - 12:20

I was reading up on IMU and came across this recent article: which might be inte

Fri, 03/23/2012 - 11:06

I finally got my inscription into the Italian health service on an indeterminate basis yesterday - hoorah!I would love to say it is because of something I said or some hassling I did but it is not.

Wed, 03/14/2012 - 11:49

Has anyone used any of the long-term parking services at Fiumicino? E.g. Parking Blu or Fast Parking Fiumicino?Any feedback?

Wed, 12/14/2011 - 13:58

Comments posted

Sun, 06/10/2012 - 05:32

We had a 500 year old timber framed cottage in the UK and had to repair and replace some of the oak beams. This was done with green oak (on the advice of the conservation surveyor) which also developed cracks called "shakes". It is a natural part of the settling in process and doesn't affect the strength of the beam. The house would have been built with green oak originally. I imagine it would have bee the same here and new fresh chestnut would have been used.

Sun, 06/10/2012 - 05:25

We used a pneumatic chisel (attached to a compressor) for the concrete render and also the other stuff. Works a treat and is by far the easiest way to get it off. I think an 'intercapedine' is just another word for a void. My husband is a damp-proofing specialist and says it depends on what type of finish you want. If you want a plastered finish then the only guaranteed way to deal with it is to put a proper membrane up the wall and under the floor with channels for the water to escape out of the building, build a false wall in front of it and then plaster that. There are specialist plasters (some lime, some chemical based) that will neutralise the salts and allow even this new wall to breathe. Otherwise you can use these same specialist plasters directly on the wall (after creating the void) but you will need to use a lot of it and it is fairly expensive. We have used it several times in this way and if applied properly then it is very effective. You need to remove any plaster underneath it though and it smells rather like a cess pit for a few months while the reaction is occuring and the plaster is drying. The smell wears off eventually! A pointed stone finish is much more troublesome as there is not any product (that he has found either here or in the UK) that will neutralise the salts sufficiently to stop the wall from sucking moisture up. You will have to live with the damp wall in this case. Not such a problem if it is in a large well, ventilated room maybe. Almost certainly your geometra or Italian builder will tell you there is something you can 'paint on' to fix it. It won't work. It is the salts as Anne describes that are the problem and anything you paint on will just bubble off again.

Sun, 06/10/2012 - 05:06

I definitely second what Flip said. My dog had a grass seed up his nose and was snorting and snuffling and eventually started sneezing blood. It is very dangerous as they work their way up the nasal passage towards the brain. The vet had a very hard time getting it out but managed in the end. Better to be safe than sorry and this is the time of year for the horrible things.

Answer to: Mortgages
Thu, 06/07/2012 - 11:23

It is virtually impossible to find a mortgage in Italy at the moment unless you are an employee in Italy. I would try Barclays Italia if you bank with Barclays in the UK. Best of luck.

Answer to: finders fee
Thu, 06/07/2012 - 11:03

I would say who are you paying it to if it is a private sale?? I believe it is not legal to pay money to a non-Italian registered estate agent for mediation but there are plenty of circumstances where UK registered companies want to charge finders fees but then I would have expected the vendor to have agreed to sell through them in which case it is not a private sale. If it is a proper private sale arranged via some personal contact of the owner's then I personally would not expect to pay more than 1000 euro unless they were helping me do other things too.

Sat, 06/02/2012 - 13:49

For altri immobiliare they mean seconda casa etc. You need to put your prima casa (whatever category it is ) in the first box. I guess they think it is obvious that to be your abitazione principale it has to be an A/something.

Wed, 05/30/2012 - 14:51

The geometra in conjunction with the rules below and the cadastral office will decide what classification your property gets and whether it can be registered separately or no. Here are the rules in Italian I'm afraid: Art. 1 - Caratteristiche abitazioni di lusso. Le abitazioni realizzate su aree destinate dagli strumenti urbanistici, adottati od approvati, a "ville", "parco privato" ovvero a costruzioni qualificate dai predetti strumenti come "di lusso". Art. 2 - Caratteristiche delle abitazioni di lusso. Le abitazioni realizzate su aree per le quali gli strumenti urbanistici, adottati od approvati, prevedono una destinazione con tipologia edilizia di case unifamiliari e con la specifica prescrizione di lotti non inferiori a 3000 mq., escluse le zone agricole, anche se in esse siano consentite costruzioni residenziali. Art. 3 - Caratteristiche delle abitazioni di lusso. Le abitazioni facenti parte di fabbricati che abbiano cubatura superiore a 2000 mc. e siano realizzati su lotti nei quali la cubatura edificata risulti inferiore a 25 mc. v.p.p. per ogni 100 mq. di superficie asservita ai fabbricati. Art. 4 - Abitazioni dotate di piscina 80 mq. Le abitazioni unifamiliari dotate di piscina di almeno 80 mq. di superficie o campi da tennis con sottofondo drenato di superficie non inferiore a 650 mq. Art. 5 Costruzioni aventi come pertinenza un'area scoperta della superficie di oltre sei volte l'area coperta. Le case composte di uno o più vani costituenti unico alloggio padronale aventi superficie utile complessiva superiore a mq. 200 (esclusi i balconi, le terrazze, le cantine, le soffitte, le scale e posto macchine) ed eventi come pertinenza un'area scoperta della superficie di oltre sei volte l'area coperta. Art. 6 - Unità immobiliari con superficie utile complessiva superiore a 240 mq. Le singole unità immobiliari aventi superficie utile complessiva superiore a mq. 240 (esclusi i balconi, le terrazze, le cantine, le soffitte, le scale e posto macchine). Art. 7 - Abitazioni su aree destinate all'edilizia residenziale. Le abitazioni facenti parte di fabbricati o costituenti fabbricati insistenti su aree comunque destinate all'edilizia residenziale, quando il costo del terreno coperto e di pertinenza supera di una volta e mezzo il costo della sola costruzione. Art. 8 - Abitazioni che hanno 4 caratteristiche della tabella del presente decreto. Le case e le singole unità immobiliari che abbiano oltre 4 caratteristiche tra quelle della tabella allegata al presente decreto. Tabella delle caratteristiche Specificazione delle caratteristiche a) Superficie dell'appartamento. Superficie utile complessiva superiore a mq 160, esclusi dal computo terrazze e balconi, cantine, soffitte, scale e posto macchine. b) Terrazze a livello coperte e scoperte e balconi Quando la loro superficie utile complessiva supera mq 65 a servizio di una singola unità immobiliare urbana. c) Ascensori Quando vi sia più di un ascensore per ogni scala, ogni ascensore in più conta per una caratteristica se la scala serve meno di 7 piani sopraelevati.   d) Scala di servizio Quando non sia prescritta da leggi, regolamenti o imposta a necessità di prevenzione di infortuni od incendi. e) Montacarichi o ascensore di servizio Quando sono a servizio di meno di 4 piani. f) Scala principale 1 - con pareti rivestite di materiali pregiati per un'altezza superiore a cm 170 di media; 2 - con pareti rivestite di materiali lavorati in modo pregiato. g) Altezza libera netta del piano Superiore a m. 3,30 salvo che regolamenti edilizi prevedano altezze minime superiori. h) Porte di ingresso agli appartamenti da scala interna 1 - in legno pregiato o massello e lastronato; 2 - di legno intagliato, scolpito o intarsiato; 3 - con decorazioni pregiate sovrapposte od imprese. i) Infissi interni Come ai numeri 1), 2), 3) della caratteristica h) anche se tamburati qualora la loro superficie complessiva superi il 50% (cinquanta per cento) della superficie totale. l) Pavimenti Eseguiti per una superficie complessiva superiore al 50% (cinquanta per cento) della superficie utile totale dell'appartamento: 1 - in materiale pregiato; 2 - con materiali lavorati in modo pregiato. m) Pareti Quando per oltre il 30% (trenta per cento) della loro superficie complessiva siano: 1 - eseguite con materiali e lavori pregiati; 2 - rivestite di stoffe od altri materiali pregiati. n) Soffitti Se a cassettoni decorati oppure decorati con stucchi tirati sul posto dipinti a mano, escluse le piccole sagome di distacco fra pareti e soffitti. o) Piscina Coperta o scoperta, in muratura, quando sia a servizio di un edificio o di un complesso di edifici comprendenti meno di 15 unità immobiliari. p) Campo da tennis Quando sia a servizio di un edificio o di un complesso di edifici comprendenti meno di 15 unità immobiliari.

Wed, 05/30/2012 - 14:43

Hi Jayne, not sure when you are planning to start renting from but our place is free from the middle of September. You can see it here: Obvously for a long-term let we would charge a monthly rent plus bills rather than weekly all-in rent. If you are interested then feel free to email me on Thanks, Penny

Mon, 05/28/2012 - 10:31

This website is very good for caluclating IMU as it does all types, even for agricultural land: Just remember that if your comune has not announced the quota for 2012 then use 0.76% for second homes etc and 0.4% for main homes which are the defualts on the site. Here is the new simplified form for IMU from the tax office: Rosanella - the Unico PF/2012 you refer to is the annual tax return (ie separate from the IMU declaration) which you may or may not need to complete. Just in case anyone thought they had yet another thing to fill out.

Mon, 05/21/2012 - 10:04

If you turned your outbuilding into a habitable space suitable for letting it would have an A classification in the catasto which means it would effectively be another house and so your seconda casa. You would not be letting your prima casa at all.