Penny's activity

Questions Asked

I thought I'd tell you about something I read in the paper the other day.  Apparently Marche region is spending 12 million euro making sure that every comune is served by ADSL.

Wed, 07/22/2009 - 02:18

Is there any way we can have a sticky or make a post stay at the top of the list.

Fri, 06/26/2009 - 09:34

Hi all, I am trying to get the Ascoli Piceno ASUR13 to clarify the position regarding healthcare rights for permanent residents who are EU citizens. Currently, their ruling is that we may only have registration for 12 months at a time and that thi

Fri, 06/26/2009 - 06:39

Hi, can someone tell me how the SSN system works for Italian please?

Tue, 06/23/2009 - 16:07

My final recommendation for mountain restaurants (at least for the moment) is La Cittadella, again in Montemonaco. A wonderful mountain retreat with a pool with probably the best view in Marche!

Mon, 06/22/2009 - 15:21

Another lovely restaurant in the mountains. For good, hearty mountain food this is really excellent. We ate some of the best prosciutto I have ever eaten here, followed by cinghiale in Vernaccia with pappardelle - delicious!

Mon, 06/22/2009 - 15:09

I know this was on the old forum but I thought it was worth mentioning again. The restaurant Il Tiglio in Isola San Biagio (just outside Montemonaco) is something very different to the other restaurants in this area.

Mon, 06/22/2009 - 11:10

Here is a zoomable map showing the results of the EU water quality report - click here

Sat, 06/13/2009 - 19:07

During my search for a document to take to the anagrafe office to shame the chap into giving me my permanent residency certificate, I found the state decree and subsequent circulars pertaining to the new (2007) residency laws.

Sat, 06/13/2009 - 18:14

Ronald,it says on our profiles that our full name and date of birth will only be visible to Italymag staff. That is not happening and it is showing publicly. Can you change that please?Thanks, 

Wed, 06/10/2009 - 11:01

Comments posted

Fri, 06/03/2011 - 08:45

Your Tessera Sanitaria expiry date is not necessarily the same as the expiry of your health cover. They are in fact different things. The blue card is just the Italian equivalent of the EHIC card from the UK.

Answer to: Residence
Thu, 06/02/2011 - 05:30

chrisnotton - I can tell you on the healthcare in Ascoli Piceno we have got nowhere and are unlikely to unless someone with big pockets wants to take them to court!

Answer to: Residence
Wed, 06/01/2011 - 09:14

I've just been getting some professional advice regarding this matter. The main trigger to having to pay income tax in italy appears to be residency but if your work is not performed in Italy and you spend less than 183 days in Italy that may not be the case. I can thoroughly recommend Michael Murphy for all UK/Italian tax matters.

Tue, 05/24/2011 - 08:35

Great website. I will be keeping an eye on it as I'm in the UK this week and hoping to get home again very soon!

Tue, 05/24/2011 - 06:38

I find it very expensive Steve. Some of it is the fact that I get paid in GBP so the exchange rate plummet hits us but things like kids stuff is almost always 50-100% dearer than in the UK.  Baby shoes start at €45 and go up into the stratosphere. I can truly understand why Italians are generally one child families! That plu sthe fact you don't get your maternity pay whilst you are actually on maternity leave! I think food is about the same price as the UK and I can't comment on bills as it's been too long since I lived in the UK but generally it is not a cheap place. We don't live the high life and only eat out a couple of times a month. 2nd hand cars are much, much dearer in Italy and my husband informs me that most building materials are dearer too (except cement for some reason). We're currently in the UK for a break and can't believe how cheap things like tiles, flooring and bathroom suites are. Some of them are actually Italian and still much cheaper than they are in Italy which I always find bizarre. A bit off topic - sorry Joy. I bought in Marche because I thought it very beautiful, was bowled over by how much we got for our money (8 years ago) and wanted a quiet life. Now, after 7 years of that (and exchanging the enormous country property for a much more sensible little townhouse) I'm ready for a bit more of a cosmopolitan life. Not craving London (my home town) or the big cities but just the little things like something to do in winter and not having to drive 50km every time I want to buy someone a birthday present. Plus it's hard to make a decent living here in an area that still has relatively few tourists and is not densely populated. We both still love Marche but are moving to Liguria in the serach of the above. We'd love to keep a holiday home here but we'll have to see if finances permit. Why Liguria? Well, the climate and the proximity to large populated areas plus the beach really. Just our story :-)

Mon, 05/23/2011 - 05:34

I think another big factor is if/how you need to make a living. If you still need to work then it is important to do your research and choose an area that will allow you to do that.

Thu, 05/12/2011 - 07:50

Hi Adriatica, I would expect the engineer and geologists fees but if I pay for them and the architect, why would I pay for a geometra as well? I wondered if legally there is a requirement to have one on a project or can the architect be the person responsible for the works?

Thu, 05/12/2011 - 05:17

I would also be quite interested to know if you need to pay a geometra if you engage an architect? Anyone know?

Tue, 05/10/2011 - 16:07

You can just get your driving licence 'recognised' by the Italian authorities. Costs about €50 and they give you an Italian driving licence numer but not an Italian licence.

Wed, 04/20/2011 - 17:48

I don't think Capo Boi will mind if I point out that obviously this only applies if you are converting the money back to Sterling. Sprostoni - if I have got it right then you are 23.2% up if you take the cash back to the UK