Penny's activity

Questions Asked

I thought I'd tell you about something I read in the paper the other day.  Apparently Marche region is spending 12 million euro making sure that every comune is served by ADSL.

Wed, 07/22/2009 - 02:18

Is there any way we can have a sticky or make a post stay at the top of the list.

Fri, 06/26/2009 - 09:34

Hi all, I am trying to get the Ascoli Piceno ASUR13 to clarify the position regarding healthcare rights for permanent residents who are EU citizens. Currently, their ruling is that we may only have registration for 12 months at a time and that thi

Fri, 06/26/2009 - 06:39

Hi, can someone tell me how the SSN system works for Italian please?

Tue, 06/23/2009 - 16:07

My final recommendation for mountain restaurants (at least for the moment) is La Cittadella, again in Montemonaco. A wonderful mountain retreat with a pool with probably the best view in Marche!

Mon, 06/22/2009 - 15:21

Another lovely restaurant in the mountains. For good, hearty mountain food this is really excellent. We ate some of the best prosciutto I have ever eaten here, followed by cinghiale in Vernaccia with pappardelle - delicious!

Mon, 06/22/2009 - 15:09

I know this was on the old forum but I thought it was worth mentioning again. The restaurant Il Tiglio in Isola San Biagio (just outside Montemonaco) is something very different to the other restaurants in this area.

Mon, 06/22/2009 - 11:10

Here is a zoomable map showing the results of the EU water quality report - click here

Sat, 06/13/2009 - 19:07

During my search for a document to take to the anagrafe office to shame the chap into giving me my permanent residency certificate, I found the state decree and subsequent circulars pertaining to the new (2007) residency laws.

Sat, 06/13/2009 - 18:14

Ronald,it says on our profiles that our full name and date of birth will only be visible to Italymag staff. That is not happening and it is showing publicly. Can you change that please?Thanks, 

Wed, 06/10/2009 - 11:01

Comments posted

Sat, 01/29/2011 - 18:41

Thanks folks!

Fri, 01/28/2011 - 13:53

Sold now - thanks.

Thu, 01/27/2011 - 12:11

Totally agree with Adriatica's last comment. Use a good agent or else it could be a minefield. There are no concessions for properties with multiple owners (aren;t most like that anyway?). So long as ONE owner does the right thing, that is sufficient.

Wed, 01/26/2011 - 11:08

Actually Adriatica, the deadline for registering rural buildings as urban has been extended to 31/3/2011 very recently due to the number still to be registered being so high and the workload being enormous for Geometras. See here: If the building shows on the list of 'ghost' buildings at the land registry (you can do a search) here: If the building is not registered by this date then the Agenzia del Territorio can survey it and register it and send the owner the bill. Obviously they will register as they see fit which might not correspond with your requirements. A way round it is that you can declare to the Agenzia del Territorio that the accatastamento is 'in processo' in the course of being done and this will buy you some time. Apparently your geometra should have a form to do this. There is a nice little table explaining it here (Italian only I'm afraid): Il Sole 24 Ore

Sat, 01/22/2011 - 15:43

We take our up to Montespino near Montefortino or the hills just behind Montemonaco. We have a male and he has never been attacked. To no honest we never see any other dogs. Just be aware there are some places where you can't take your dog in the park. It is there area where they are re-introducing the chamois deer. There may be others. You can look on the parks website for a map.

Thu, 01/20/2011 - 07:38

Hi Cingoli10, unfortunately I did the translation whilst working for the owner of the driving school whom I worked with at the time so don't have a copy (it was not done on a computer). I translated the whole document. I could happily do it again but I would have to charge you as if I was doing it from scratch I'm afraid. If you'd like me to, just drop me a PM.

Wed, 01/12/2011 - 16:47

You need to go to Pascucci in Comunanza. Take the road from Amandola to Comunanza and at the last major bend before you get to Comunanza, set high on the left you will see a glass factory and Pascucci's which has diggers and cranes etc outside. I know a qualified  English digger driver who works out more reasonable if you get stuck on the DIY.

Tue, 01/11/2011 - 15:09

The Italian post office have a policy that covers earthquakes. Yes, it's true most Italians don't bother with contents insurance. Personally if I didn't live here I would definitely have it.

Tue, 01/11/2011 - 12:39

Hadn't noticed they provide any state support to us wink

Mon, 01/10/2011 - 14:35

Remedial work is not less effective at all if done well but few people are prepared to put up with the mess necessary to fix the problem properly. They would rather go for the quick fix that will only last a year or two.