Hi all! I'm new to the forum :) My

09/25/2016 - 00:15

Hi all! I'm new to the forum :) My name is Lexi, and I am currently teaching English in South Korea. The Provincial Office of Education has made new stipulations in our contracts that force us to leave after only 6 months, or stay on for an extra year. That being said, I am looking to teach English elsewhere, as the lifestyle in a Korean metropolis with hundreds of thousands of people is NOT my cup of tea, nor am I intrigued with the Asian culture. I recently applied for a 6 month English teaching position in Faro, Italy. I have started doing my research, but cannot find much on that particular city. Wondering if anyone can provide me with some insight to being an expat in your country or tell me a little about Faro. Thank you so much :) Lexi



Hi , the only FARO  city , find on the web , in Italy is at the following  web page http://www.tageo.com/index-e-it-v-00-d-m180786.htmbut is clearly  a mistake , because is a city with 61482 inhabitants at this coordinates have a > faro di Porta di Chioggia = maritime lighthouse - placed at entrance of Chioggia  Port ! The fact that a city of this size is not in google maps is really very strange - but for example, the mentions of FANO, it has 60,880 inhabitants  

If the location is Fano you will like it very much. It's on the Adriatic and close to many wonderful towns. I have a couple of questions for you if you don't mind. Who will you be working with and how did you find the job? I am a teacher looking to retire soon and trying to find teaching opportunities in Italy. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. 

Thank you for the input! I honestly just googled "Teaching English Abroad" and started clicking around on the different websites, stumbling across a position in Italy. There are all kinds of TEFL recruitment companies online :) Just have to find the one that is right for you! My mom is actually going to retire soon, too, and is thinking of teaching abroad as well. It's a great way to travel. Good luck to you :)