I am current a non-Italian resident who

11/26/2018 - 20:35

I am current a non-Italian resident who will be moving there at some point.  My question is regarding opening bank accounts.  Are there any Italian banks that allow you to open an account online(through their website) securly, without having any resident papers?  I do have a passport.  I'd like to open an account with an Italian bank and fund it over time so that when I arrive to live there I have cleared one hurdle.  I understand that an account with an Italian bank makes it easy to deal with setting up mobile phone, utilities and such.  Thank you 


Online , not - you has to provide some documents signed - IN ORIGINAL-, and shipped to Agency , via express mail service - but this is the only manner to have bank account - NO EXPENSES -  without go to Italy -  Other banks , provide you a standard non resident bank account - with expenses for deposit, drawing, via internet use ..and so on..  - If you need  Resident bank account , with lowest expenses , is necesary Italia Elective Residence .. you can find some info , at my website .>  http://www.lifeinitaly.it/Inglese/italyresidenceguide.htm

We are from the UK and recently opened an Italian bank account. You need your Code Fiscale and found that it wasn’t possible to open one on line. So we made an appointment at a large branch of a bank in a city (hoping that there would be someone who spoke English). The process took several hours and we nearly had to give up because we didn’t have an Italian phone number, but somehow we succeeded in the end. 

So , if you have problem  in having Italian bank accont from your's contry , without go o Italy , i can provide it to you ! , need only Copy of Passport and an apostilled  proxy , to provide Codice Fiscale, Bank account , Italian Phone card  - and one working wek - I make it , for all my clients , from several years .