Italian Phrases
by ITALY |
English speakers tend to overdo “Please” and “Thank you”, just as we famously say “Sorry” too much but we don’t think that you can ever be too polite in Italy…
by Pat Eggleton |
Looking for Italy-themed Christmas Cards? Check out these great Christmas cards ITALY Magazine prepared!
We are sure that some of you will want to send…
by Natalie Aldern |
Italian families stick together through thick and thin. It's not uncommon for extended families to live together even after the children are married with…
by Natalie Aldern |
It is impossible to think about Italy without thinking of delicious Italian food. The kitchen is central to the hearts and minds of Italian families so there…
by Natalie Aldern |
Falling in love is one of the most beautiful feelings in the world. Since Italian is one of the most beautiful languages in the world, it's only natural that…
by Natalie Aldern |
Photo: "Into the mouth of the wolf!" The famous Capitoline wolf RomeThe literal translation of “good luck” into Italian is buona fortuna. Unfortunately,…
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