Italian Phrases
by rebeccawinke |
It’s Friday, so it must be time for a new government in Italy.
That may be a bit of an exaggeration, but Italy has had more than 60 changes of…
by rebeccawinke |
Years ago, when I was still reading aloud to my sons, we were deep into the Harry Potter books. After finishing the iconic chapter describing Harry’s first…
by rebeccawinke |
In our family, we ski mainly to eat. And, judging by the hordes of people elbowing themselves into the buffet line come 1pm in every rifugio (Alpine lodge) in…
by rebeccawinke |
With December comes the most important month for gift exchanges on the Italian calendar, beginning with the Festa dell’Immacolata on December 8th - officially…
by rebeccawinke |
Once your language skills clear the initial hurdles of basic grammar rules and a vocabulary large enough to navigate daily life, it’s time to start working on…
by rebeccawinke |
My first years in Italy were spent in Rome and rural Umbria, two areas of the Bel Paese in which swearing is a bit of a competitive sport and the threshold for…
by rebeccawinke |
Time may be relative, but 2020 has stretched, condensed, and emptied it of meaning like no other year. Months feel like years, days fly by in what seem like…
by rebeccawinke |
There may be differences in how Italy and countries across the globe have dealt with the coronavirus pandemic this year, but one thing has brought the world…
by rebeccawinke |
Of all the adventures that await in Italy, from climbing Renaissance-era bell towers to sampling authentic Neapolitan pizza, perhaps none is more thrilling (or…
by rebeccawinke |
There is something almost Buddhist about beginning to speak a second language. With a limited grasp of verb tenses, you are neither caught in the past nor…
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