Italian Phrases
by Alesha Allen |
When you first start learning Italian you will often learn the verb ‘volere’. This verb means ‘to want’. A verb is a doing word, a word which expresses an…
by Alesha Allen |
It’s common to learn your colors in Italian as a beginner, but have you come across any idiomatic expressions using these colors? Some teachers prefer to wait…
by Alesha Allen |
This month many of us are looking forward to the spring, when the weather warms up and we can get out in the fresh air a bit more. Spring is one of the best…
by Alesha Allen |
Italian is often described as ‘the language of love’ and with Valentine’s Day soon to be upon us, now is a great time to look at how we talk about love in…
by Alesha Allen |
The new year can be a great time to take up a new hobby or improve your general fitness. In Italian lessons with my students I like to talk about new year’s…
by Alesha Allen |
You may have heard the word salute in Italian. It can be translated in the following ways:
- Health / wellbeing
Bere troppo alcol fa male alla salute…
by Alesha Allen |
Piacere means ‘to like’ in English but a more literal translation would be ‘to be pleasing’. In English we say ‘I like Italian’ but in Italian we would say ‘…
by Alesha Allen |
Quali sono i tuoi passatempi? When meeting a new person in Italy you may be asked this question - what are your hobbies? The word hobby is also used in Italian…
by Alesha Allen |
You may often have to guess the meaning of a word when learning a new language. At times the word is similar to an English one and therefore easy to guess…
by Alesha Allen |
When asking how much something costs, you can use the following:
Quanto costa? How much does it cost?
Quanto costano? How much do they cost?
Qual’è il prezzo?…
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