Italian Phrases
by Alesha Allen |
There are many beautiful churches and cathedrals to go to in Italy, whether for worship or sightseeing. You may know the word la chiesa to talk about a…
by Alesha Allen |
Would you like to be able to order a gelato in Italian? Here’s some useful vocabulary to get you started.
In Italy, you often have the option to top your ice…
by Alesha Allen |
We will all be familiar with the Italian for ‘please’: per favore, but here are some other ways to say please in Italian:
per piacere
per cortesia…
by Alesha Allen |
For many of us, Italy is a place where we can just sit back and relax. You can use the English word in Italian to refer to a state of relaxation - il relax.
by Alesha Allen |
If you would like to watch Italian films, you may this vocabulary useful.
A film can be un film d’azione (an action film), un film dell’orrore (a horror film…
by Alesha Allen |
Here are a few words and expressions to help you out when travelling by train - in treno - in Italy.
La stazione - Station
Il binario - Platform
L’orario -…
by Alesha Allen |
When talking about the clocks going forward and backward, we can use the expressions:
- cambiare l’ora - change the clocks
- mettere…
by ITALY |
Even when describing a tragedy like the one of Francesca da Rimini and Paolo Malatesta punished together in hell for their adultery, ‘la bella lingua’ in the…
by Alesha Allen |
The Italian word il biglietto has a range of meanings in English:
A ticket: At the station, airport, museum, theatre etc.
A note: A letter or piece of paper…
by Alesha Allen |
There are so many lovely things to eat while in Italy, you don’t want to miss a meal! The main meals in Italian are:
Breakfast: La colazione
Lunch: Il pranzo…
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