by Katia Amore |
No holiday meal is complete without dessert, but when it comes to traditional Italian Christmas cakes, will you be serving panettone or pandoro? This is a real…
by Silvia Donati |
Christmas markets are a beloved tradition in Italy; among them, one of the most famous and the first to open is the Santa Lucia Fair (Fiera di Santa Lucia) in…
by Silvia Donati |
“Men of the Cloth,” an inspiring documentary about three Italian master tailors sharing their pride and devotion for an old-world craft in danger of…
by Silvia Donati |
Introduced in Italy by law in 2005 to “honor the importance of the role of grandparents within the family and society in general”, la Festa dei Nonni (National…
by Silvia Donati |
Practiced in the Venetian lagoon for thousands of years, the Regata Storica (Historic Regatta) returns to Venice this Sunday, September 7.
It is a highly-…
by Silvia Donati |
One of the oldest religious traditions from Lazio returns to Viterbo on the evening of September 3, when La Macchina di Santa Rosa (Tower of Santa Rosa) is…
by Silvia Donati |
Fierce horse racing and a festive atmosphere will take over Siena today as the second Palio race of the year is held in the Tuscan city (the first is on July 2…
by Barry Lillie |
My first visit to Italy took place on Saturday 3rd September 1988, and since then I visited countless times, before coming to live here. I did my utmost to…
by Barry Lillie |
The region of Abruzzo in central Italy has a varied cuisine, with many isolated villages still recreating ancient recipes that outside the community are still…
by Silvia Donati |
Look up toward the sky tonight as it’s la notte di San Lorenzo in Italy!
The Night of St. Lawrence or Night of the Shooting Stars is one of summer’s most…
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