PISA, 26 EUROS FOR 3 CAPPUCCINOS+PASTRIES, 1000 EURO FINE(AGI) Pisa - When he was presented with the bill, 25,80 euros for 3 cappuccinos and 3 pastries, he paid without a word.
sprostoni's activity
Questions Asked
I am fast approaching the need to renew my driving licence as it is due to expire this mid year.
I have a regular sum of money sent over from the UK every month. This month however the money left my UK account and has yet to arrive here in Italy (Banca della Marche).
I saw this comment from a Californian news item............Emerging Cuisines from Emerging Markets - As the world grows smaller, the selection of cuisines grows larger and guests’ palettes are begging to try new flavours.
It will take a quite monumental event to prise us from our wonderful life and friends here. BUT,................. what/where is the future for the younger generation here ?
Being a full time resident here in Italy, we are having a month or so on holiday in another EU country (not in the UK, our country of origin). Does anybody know what 'travel' related health cover are we 'entitled' to ?
I'm sure someone here will advise (hopefully)............I have some 30/40 false acacia trees (the ones with the spikes - ouch !), they have grown in the last 5 years to some 15/20metres high.
"Mr Berlusconi told Italian television: "Life in Italy is good. The restaurants are full. It's difficult to get a seat on a plane they're so busy; holidays are all booked up."There you go then, no financial crisis here !?S
We go to this area every few years.............such a disaster for the people there..............A number of British holidaymakers have been left fearing for their homes and their lives after severe flooding swept away properties and cars and kill
Over 3 days since last post ??!!We're doomed!S
Comments posted
A site called (I think) go connect provides an indirect link via the net......I'll find the real name for you.....12/13 euros per month
Hi,Bearing in mind I am (was) looking for Italy TO English connections (I don't know the New Zealand factoring!).............but this link does it for me !http://www.powerconnections.co.uk/convert_eurotouk_PC8338.htmMaybe best going to their home page for the New Zealand issue?Good LuckS
alan h..............Roaming fox link looks perfick!..............Good man,Cheers,S
Thanks Alan H............It's the Italian to UK adaptors I'm finding hard to source, thanks for the info though, (I'll take a screwdriver with me in case I need to change plugs!)Cheers,S
Yes it was a good one, I was up and about it was circa 5.50am and measured 4.6 ......20km north of Macerata................details on the following link.http://openmap.rm.ingv.it/gmaps/rec-big/en/Index.htm#last20S
Sounds awful, I feel for you!We had some work done in our house that required plastering and concreteing and.............. for two days water was LITERALLY dripping down the walls ! The weather outside was dry and we at first thought that we had some sort of leak but no...............the secret was to open the windows. It was dried up within a day!Ventilation is crucial, is there any way to put some air vents in your property?Good Luck
Grazie Chris,I'll go with the twig option, it keeps me well out of the way!...........I did ask my wife (who is smaller than me) to get into the housing and try and get it out but for some reason she doesn't seem keen (she NEARLY used a swear word !!)Cheers,S
I was just pottering around near our pool pump (which is in the ground), and as I lifted the lid, there (curled up) was a small-ish viper !! I would assume that, if it had 'stretched' out, it may have been 20cms long, It fell into the pool pump housing and is now located at the bottom of same in an inch or so of muddy water!How do I get it out? Any ideas?Thanks in advance......................S
Well done Charlotte!Like most other people, I for one, like consistency and fairness, this WONDERFUL country should not allow it's ways to be 'blackened' by relatively small and sometimes very localised people who just decide that thay will not obey 'the' rules.They happily fly the EU flag at all schools, town halls and other government buildings (which I think is fantastic by the way!), but I feel that we are here by right and we WANT to help move things forward with our knowledge/expertise (if required) and to utilise our finances (if required) through property, groceries, cars and lots of other purchases. I do recall an Italian friend of mine saying that the Italians loved having 'us' here BUT it has meant that the 'local' builders have put their prices up to a point whereby the Italians that have lived here can longer afford to pay builders charges.Difiicult situation !Good luck,S
Brava Penny!!............Grrrr!!!!! and another GRRRRRRRRR!!!!There MUST be somebody amongst us who has the Italian language skills to draft the letter................come on y'all !!!S