Penny's activity

Questions Asked

Someone just pointed this out on Facebook. Do not look if you are squeamish. How utterly disgusting.

Fri, 01/28/2011 - 10:58

I saw something very briefly about this on the news today. I believe it is an anti-tax evasion law. Anyone know anything about it? Have I misunderstood? Are they actually referring to the requirement to declare any money sent abroad?

Tue, 12/28/2010 - 12:56

160 square metres of scaffolding for sale. Includes adjustable feet, frames, metal planks, safety railings etc. Paid over €5,500 when purchased brand new.

Thu, 12/09/2010 - 09:12

I posted a letter today and was told in the Post Office that all the CAP codes for all towns in Fermo & Ascoli provinces had been changed. For example Amandola has gone from 63021 to 63857. I think it also affects other regions too.

Sat, 11/20/2010 - 17:21

Cycling Business For Sale Great opportunity to buy all the equipment plus website/domain/logo/marketing for an existing cycling business in the Sibillini National Park.

Sun, 10/10/2010 - 06:21

There is a new Fitness centre & spa opening in Piane di Montegiorgio at the end of September: It's a bit expensive but it looks like it might be good and ther

Sun, 08/29/2010 - 12:54

Who is affected:

  1. Permanent residents (over 5 years of residence) who do not already have an insription into the SSN with no expiry date
  2. Who are EU citizens and
Tue, 06/08/2010 - 08:42

OK, it's been a while since I did an update but the Mayor of Amandola had very kindly agreed to take it up with ASUR13 on my behalf so I was waiting for him. He unfortunately got no further and was given the same reason of needing to "count" us as

Tue, 06/08/2010 - 08:03

Just wondered if anyone knows if our baby will be able to be an Italian citizen or not. The Consulate website is a bit unclear. I was under the impression our child could only claim citizenship at the age of 18 as per below: "1.

Thu, 03/11/2010 - 09:49

I am posting this on behalf of someone else. They have various items of furniture and materials for a renovation for sale. Here is a rough list but for full details, please PM me and I will pass your details on to the owner.

Sun, 02/07/2010 - 05:37

Comments posted

Tue, 06/15/2010 - 11:28

INPS is effectively the National Insurance. Regardless of where your customers are (I work in a very similar way to you) you are liable to tax here in Italy if you are tax resident as tax is due on worldwide income. If you are liable to pay tax then you are liable to pay INPS too. Hold onto your hat - INPS is around 26% of your earnings (if you are a "libero professionista" or self-employed professional like me) plus tax at whatever rate your particular fiscal regime applies (there are many and you will need an accountant to sort that out for you). If you are paying tax in another country then you still need to complete a tax return here and you should (hopefully) fall under the double taxation treaty between that country & Italy. As a self-employed person you will also require a partita IVA (VAT registration number) regardless of how much you earn. There has recently been a very specific piece of European legislation regarding consultants like us who work from home but for clients in other countries and what instra-stat documentation we need to file.

Mon, 06/14/2010 - 13:51

Hi Sprostoni, we're a bit light on restaurants in Amandola to be honest. Even more so at lunch. How about the trattoria at Lago San Ruffino? At  the weekend we like Il Casolare but they only open Friday lunch to Sunday lunch. BTW - Sky Italia do have all the matches but you have to buy a separate subscription to watch them AND they have scrambled the Rai channel during the football matches only so you can't watch them unless you pay even though RAI are showing them free on regular tv!!!! Bar Belli it is for us then!

Answer to: Wills
Thu, 06/10/2010 - 10:23

Charlotte started a group on this forum regarding wills and some new EU regulation. You can join it here: There is lots of useful info.

Thu, 06/10/2010 - 07:06

I just tried to get a written response from the admin office at Amandola hospital and they refused. I called the carabinieri and they still refused. The ywould only send it to Ascoli for a written refusal which I know won't be forthcoming as it is the responsibility of the person who is refusing us in the first place to write it. He says no-one has been refused cover so clearly he won't be putting that in writing.

Thu, 06/10/2010 - 07:04

Or you can watch it in Bar Belli in Amandola. They put a big screen up outside and have a pasta party for every Italian game.

Answer to: Baby equipment
Tue, 06/08/2010 - 05:41

Some UK Ebay vendors will ship to Italy. I have also found Amazon to be fantastic. Baby stuff is extortionate prices in Italy. Unbelievably expensive. No wonder they have such a low birth  rate here!!

Tue, 06/08/2010 - 05:40

Ha ha - not sure if it's anywhere exciting but the property is a few km east of Apricale. It's a slow complicated purchase as so far 2 of the owners have died and one is seriously ill. But to be honest, it can take as long as it likes. We're not in a rush and with a baby due next month we're quite happy to not have to think about it for a few months while they sort out the inheritance. We're planning to move over to Bordighera (we currently live in Marche) in the autumn and rent for 2-3 years while re renovate. Piano piano as they say smiley

Mon, 06/07/2010 - 12:02

We're in the process of buying an old farmhouse in Liguria (not that far from you) and the head height only needs to be 2.3m in the rooms for it as it i below a certain sqm. Also the comune will grant permission to extend the property to put stairs or a bathroom or kitchen in (within certain limits). I know there is a minimum bathroom size of 3sqm if you are planning to let a room. No idea if it is a private house, however, sorry. It is so absolutely comune specific though and your comune could well be different. Could you find someone to translate for you locally and then go to the comune/geometra and ask? That would be my recommendation as unless someone on this forum has a house in the same comune, their advice may not apply to your property, unfortunately.

Mon, 06/07/2010 - 11:54

Usually SNC is used when there is no door number (senza numero civico). You could try that. Alternatively, get the codice fiscale sent to the estate agent you are using. That is very common too. It can always be changed afterwards.

Mon, 06/07/2010 - 11:09

I'm in Marche too smiley We've just sold a house (well ruin) and know a few others who have sold recently so it is a definite improvement on last year. These were properties that had been on the market for a couple of years. It seems to be the big villa-type properties that are not selling IMHO.