Penny's activity

Questions Asked

I thought I'd tell you about something I read in the paper the other day.  Apparently Marche region is spending 12 million euro making sure that every comune is served by ADSL.

Wed, 07/22/2009 - 02:18

Is there any way we can have a sticky or make a post stay at the top of the list.

Fri, 06/26/2009 - 09:34

Hi all, I am trying to get the Ascoli Piceno ASUR13 to clarify the position regarding healthcare rights for permanent residents who are EU citizens. Currently, their ruling is that we may only have registration for 12 months at a time and that thi

Fri, 06/26/2009 - 06:39

Hi, can someone tell me how the SSN system works for Italian please?

Tue, 06/23/2009 - 16:07

My final recommendation for mountain restaurants (at least for the moment) is La Cittadella, again in Montemonaco. A wonderful mountain retreat with a pool with probably the best view in Marche!

Mon, 06/22/2009 - 15:21

Another lovely restaurant in the mountains. For good, hearty mountain food this is really excellent. We ate some of the best prosciutto I have ever eaten here, followed by cinghiale in Vernaccia with pappardelle - delicious!

Mon, 06/22/2009 - 15:09

I know this was on the old forum but I thought it was worth mentioning again. The restaurant Il Tiglio in Isola San Biagio (just outside Montemonaco) is something very different to the other restaurants in this area.

Mon, 06/22/2009 - 11:10

Here is a zoomable map showing the results of the EU water quality report - click here

Sat, 06/13/2009 - 19:07

During my search for a document to take to the anagrafe office to shame the chap into giving me my permanent residency certificate, I found the state decree and subsequent circulars pertaining to the new (2007) residency laws.

Sat, 06/13/2009 - 18:14

Ronald,it says on our profiles that our full name and date of birth will only be visible to Italymag staff. That is not happening and it is showing publicly. Can you change that please?Thanks, 

Wed, 06/10/2009 - 11:01

Comments posted

Mon, 11/22/2010 - 12:11

I'm assuming they change it all automatically - who knows? Fermo doesn't appear as a province on most website's lists yet so I won't hold my breathe :-)

Thu, 11/18/2010 - 07:13

Have you looked into Paypal? We use them for our bike bookings and fr larger sums it is pretty economical and people can pay in whatever denomination they like and you can withdraw in GBP.

Answer to: Lunch in Fermo
Thu, 11/18/2010 - 07:12

There is the wine bar. Sorry can't remember what it's called but the food is very nice. As you walk/drive under the arch into the piazza, it is under the loggia on the left up some steps.] Nice food, nice wine & not too extortionate prices.

Tue, 11/16/2010 - 11:47

Hi Lucy, do feel free to give us a call. The number is on the contacts page of our website or drop us an email to Sibillini Cycling and we can give you a call. I won't put the contact details on this forum otherwise we'll get buckets of spam.

Sat, 11/13/2010 - 14:56

Sorry it's annunci - typing and breastfeeding isn't easy smiley

Sat, 11/13/2010 - 08:09

Corriere Annuni? You can buy it in newsagents or they have a website.

Fri, 11/12/2010 - 15:37

Stay in touch Gavin, as it looks like we'll still be in Marche next summer for family reasons so will be running it ourselves in 2011 but will definitely selling prior to the 2012 season. You can get our contact details and take a look here:

Fri, 11/05/2010 - 11:04

Just to be clear though, medical insurance is NOT required if you are a UK citizen and were a UK tax payer for the 2 years previous and until you left the UK. You will be covered by your UK contributions for 2 1/2 years in Italy. It is only during the period after this until you reach 5 years for your permanent residency that you will need to pay for cover. If you are a UK pensioner then you are covered from the UK and don't need insurance either. There are various forms from the DWP that state your entitlement (used to be E106 etc). The names of the forms have all changed I'm afraid so a lot of info is out of date. The new form is an S1.

Mon, 10/11/2010 - 13:59

Not sure if it's the same one, but TR Gomme is on the industrial estate actually in Comunanza. Snow tyres are well worth the money. I find chains a real pain but my husband has them down to a fine art and can do them in 50 seconds - we timed him!

Sun, 10/10/2010 - 15:00

We use TR Gomme in Comunanza and he is very reliable and straight. I have even known him to drive to Montemonaco to put a lady's snow chains on when it was snowy as her husband was out! You don't need legally snow chains if you have winter snow tyres fitted but to be honest you will still need them if we have the usual amount of snow and need to drive on anything other than the main roads. You won't need spare rims, they will put them on your existing rims and can even store your summer tyres for you until you need them, for just a fiver. As above it costs about €20 to have them fitted and balanced. We don't usually get our spare changed over to be honest.