Language Tips
by porticando |
No matter if you have visited Italy many times before or if it’s your first time, it’s always important to know the rules of politeness and remember to use…
by rebeccawinke |
Earlier this month Italy celebrated ‘La Festa dei Lavoratori’, or International Workers’ Day. Known colloquially as ‘Il Primo Maggio’, or the First of May…
by Alesha Allen |
When asking a friend what time you should meet for lunch, she may say ‘a mezzogiorno’ – at midday, at noon, or at 12pm.
However, when Italians use the…
by Alesha Allen |
Carnival season can be a wonderful time to visit the cities, towns and villages all over Italy. With processions, masks, colours, music, dancing and special…
by Kristie Prada |
Any parent with a connection to Italy is probably dreaming of bringing up little bilingual babies who speak Italian, understand the culture and can make…
by Alesha Allen |
A question my friends and I used to ask each other regularly when I lived in Italy was: what are you doing on Saturday evening? This would then spark a…
by Alesha Allen |
Ci and ne are called particelle (particles) and are widely used in Italian. You may have heard them or seen them written down but were not sure how…
by Silvia Donati |
Ristorante, trattoria, osteria, bar, tavola calda, pizzeria, paninoteca, rosticceria, etc.
When you travel to Italy, chances are you’ll come across many of the…
by Alesha Allen |
For many of us, Italy is a place where we can just sit back and relax. You can use the English word in Italian to refer to a state of relaxation - il relax.
by Alesha Allen |
When talking about the clocks going forward and backward, we can use the expressions:
- cambiare l’ora - change the clocks
- mettere…
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