Language Tips
by Pat Eggleton |
In this picture: Rosanna Vaudetti, one of the Signorine Buonasera (how Italian TV announcers were called) - source: Sorrisi & Canzoni - Words by Pat…
by Pat Eggleton |
Word by Pat EggletonIf you can accept that “things are said differently but mean the same” you will have a much easier time when learning a new language! Here…
by Pat Eggleton |
Words by Pat Eggleton
The plural of pizza is pizze.
The plural of panino [sandwich] is panini.
Bruschetta is pronounced broos-ket-ah, not broosheta [though…
by Pat Eggleton |
It was meant to put the Marche Region on the map: an advertisement featuring two-time Oscar winner Dustin Hoffman strolling in the breathtaking Marche…
by Pat Eggleton |
A translation company which has researched the use of English words in Italian business documentation has found that the use of English terms in the Italian…
by Fleur Kinson |
Words and Pictures by Fleur KinsonIf you’ve flicked through an Italian newspaper or magazine, you’ll have spotted them. Italian walls daubed with graffiti?…
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