Language Tips
by Alesha Allen |
If something is stressing you out in Italy, you could say you don’t care or, more colloquially, you don’t give a damn.
In Italian this would be:
Non mi…
by ITALY |
What to ask when you get to a rented holiday house in Italian.As more and more people prefer renting a house or apartment for their holidays in Italy, we…
by ITALY |
Today, Italy celebrates its 150th birthday. La “Bella Signora” turns 150 and after having informed our readers about the official celebrations and the origins…
by Pat Eggleton |
If you are askedLe dà fastidio?the person is not asking you if you are fastidious! The word fastidio means “irritation”or “bother” so the expression means “…
by ITALY |
English speakers tend to overdo “Please” and “Thank you”, just as we famously say “Sorry” too much but we don’t think that you can ever be too polite in Italy…
by Pat Eggleton |
A novella is not a novel in Italian. It is a short story.A romanzo is not a romance, but a novel.So what do you call a book whose theme is a love story?…
by Pat Eggleton |
Looking for Italy-themed Christmas Cards? Check out these great Christmas cards ITALY Magazine prepared!
We are sure that some of you will want to send…
by Pat Eggleton |
Much confusion is caused to English speakers by the way in which Italians express centuries from 1000 a.d. to 2000 a.d., so let’s try to clear it up:
by Pat Eggleton |
Here are two words which sometimes cause confusion:Diretto means “direct” and a treno diretto is a through train. A volo diretto is a direct flight.Diritto…
by Pat Eggleton |
Così means “in this way” or “like this”.So the opera title “Così fan tutte” means “All [women] act like this”.If you are buying things in a shop and the…
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