bunterboy's activity

Questions Asked

Just how much cheaper us the resident tarrif compared to non resident?  I just divided my bill  (over two months) by my usage, and arrived at just under 28 cents per kwh.How would that change if I became resident?

Mon, 07/29/2013 - 10:04

(Re Woodburners )Are CO detectors widely available and mandatory as in the UK? I reckon we all should have them. Not seen them locally.

Fri, 12/14/2012 - 16:44

I was just about to wire up my workshop to the ENEL box this morning and discovered that the LIVE (Brown) and the EARTH wires are connected together at the meter tails, I was expecting the NEUTRAL and the EARTH wires to be connected together, has

Sun, 12/02/2012 - 06:48

I'm running the latest firefox but the website is painfully slow (and has been for a month or two) -any comments?

Tue, 09/06/2011 - 16:08

Just tasted the latest batch of our home made orange liqueur, absolutely fantastic, bright , bright,  orange (just like tartrasine ho ho!

Mon, 05/09/2011 - 15:37

Just wondering how feasible it is to buy a container and fill it with stuff in the UK and ship it out to Puglia? I rather thought I could use it as a workshop / store afterwards...but is it a runner??

Mon, 11/15/2010 - 15:40

I wondered if anyone could explain how to calculate the car tax in Italy, I know it is to do with horse power etc but is there a useful website like our own DVL  site which can allow one to find out how much tax is paid  on say....

Mon, 11/09/2009 - 14:10

Comments posted

Thu, 01/06/2011 - 15:17

The washing machine glass door makes an excellent dish for the dog too!

Wed, 01/05/2011 - 16:42

I can't believe this no plastic bag policy will work- how on earth will the Italians be able to dump their litter in the countyside without the ubiquitous "euorospin carrier bag"?? Mind you round our way all sorts of fly tipping is rife- old tyres and asbestos sheets in particular, oh! and car batteries too. The other day someone dumped a gigantic CRO TV  a few yards from our house.. I dutifully collected it with the intention  of it disposing  it safely , but all the big skips had disappeared and eventually I had to leave the bugger next to a small wheeie bin, deflated and defeated I retraced my steps up our litter strewn lane. Italy has a long way to go before it fully complies with EU waste disposal initiatives, personally I reckon a few big waste to power incinerators would be the least worse option!!

Wed, 01/05/2011 - 16:21

A' ra best for 2011 Gala ( as they say in Scotland) Auguri Billy

Wed, 01/05/2011 - 16:18

If you don't have a rising damp problem then the insulated plasterboard glued directly to the wall would work fine- provided you sealed all the gaps very well. The thinnest available gyproc board is around 30mm thick, with 20mm polystyrene.It comes in 3m by 1.2m sheets. Stick it directly onto the offending walls next summer. 1 big bag of adhesive should do 3 sheets of the insulated board.  try googling gespol PE 13 pdf

Mon, 12/20/2010 - 16:35

Seems like a no brainer to me, if the panels last the predicted 25 years. Payback time is aound 8 years but you get pretty much free electricity. Better to spend your dosh on solar PV technology than a new car I'd say..

Fri, 12/17/2010 - 09:02

Did a quick cost comparison: Rotterdam-Hull return with car and trailer and meals and dog £550 Amsterdam - Newcastle similar package (no dog)  £820    both  July -August sailing   Quite a difference

Sun, 12/12/2010 - 07:06

Rotterdam to Hull (P&O) is our usual Ferry link-it sails at 9pm so plenty of time to get there. We have a stop at Mulhouse the night before.Not sure how driving through the Alps would be just now, snow chains essential presumably.

Fri, 12/10/2010 - 09:27

http://www.pv-tech.org/tariff_watch/_a/italy/    not as up to the moment but interesting none the less..

Wed, 12/08/2010 - 12:22

I can get it shipped for around 1400 euro-so it may come to that.(Phil reckons that's a good price.)

Answer to: House Insurance
Tue, 12/07/2010 - 18:18

I'm sure that's right Badger, it's just my experience of insurance companies is that they are happy to take the premiums but unwilling to pay up when it comes to the crunch..we don't even have contents insurance in the UK anymore. In essence insurance companies are only in it for the money they can make and not a service for unlucky souls..better to put your spare cash in a deposit account and draw on it if and when the need arises. Now an earthquake that's another matter......