elliven's activity

Questions Asked

Mandevilla are those nice red climbers that are appearing all over the place in markets etc now and I did very well with two of them last year.

Sat, 06/02/2012 - 14:44

If you have property in UK you might contemplate redirecting your mail to Italy during your sojourn. Please be aware that the mail people, despite you paying quite a lot of money might mistakenly send your mail from your bank back to the bank.

Tue, 02/21/2012 - 18:06

We have a number of external walls about a metre high, cement rendered on both sides and made of tufo blocks. Sadly the rendering keeps getting spalled off after the winter due to, I think water in the walls freezing and expanding.

Sun, 04/24/2011 - 16:15

Birmingham UK area with 95% dead yuccas this spring plus lots of ceanothus dead and indeed anything a bit tender, however I was not expecting more or less similar here in Lazio, the main victims seem to have been date palms , even well-established

Sun, 04/24/2011 - 15:54

Looking at a courtyard in Umbria I saw a tradescanthia plant, the one sometimes non-pc called wandering Jew. Got hold of a couple and potted up on my terrace in Lazio and lo and behold they thrive mightily.

Tue, 08/03/2010 - 17:32

Could any one with their finger on the pulse of the Italian economy please tell me why large petrol stations are springing up all over the countryside.

Sun, 05/09/2010 - 18:55

For the tech experts - can I use a UK gas oven in Italy attached to a supply from one of those big cylinders in the garden? I am thinking of bringing one out. In anticipation - thanks.

Fri, 03/19/2010 - 19:00

Rejoice with me for at last ENEL have recognised that I AM resident and therefore qualify for a lower tariff and wait for this ... they have back-dated my benefits to the initial application about three years ago! Oh joy!.

Wed, 01/13/2010 - 18:58

Great geraniums this year until visited by small brown butterflies - result flower heads dying followed by miserable appearance of whole plant.

Sun, 09/06/2009 - 17:53

I think I am posting correctly under the new system - however having started I will finish - I have a beautiful house for sale in a brilliant , for me at any rate location in a rural area with everything a UK buyer in to the Italian life could wis

Wed, 05/27/2009 - 16:59

Comments posted

Mon, 01/18/2010 - 13:07

 Five or six hours driving per day is plenty. Try venere.com for hotels en route and check reviews. Not all insurance companies will cover you for 6months abroad, Saga will under the right conditions. Right hand drive is not a big problem provided you USE your wing mirrors. Be prepared for the rest of the queue to giggle as you nip out of your car as you take your autostrada ticket out of the machine. ALWAYS leave plenty of room in front of you even if the Italians take this as an invitation by one of feeble mind to provide them with a space to fill. The driver in front of you may do ANYTHING!

Sun, 01/17/2010 - 18:37

 I am still feeling quite chuffed but a little tempered by the thought of the cost of gas these days, tho' I suspect there is NOT a lower tariff for this. Anyway - cheers everybody!

Answer to: Gas Prices
Wed, 01/13/2010 - 18:45

 What's with the rural discount on gas ? First I've heard of it but it sounds good. Enlightenment please.

Answer to: Hoya plants
Wed, 01/13/2010 - 18:39

 Had one for years in our porch in the UK. Have planted it in a quiet corner of garden, outside in Italy but seems to be surviving rather than thriving The fragrance is stunning, but they do drip a lot of sticky nectar. Concur with the advice about old flower buds.

Sun, 01/03/2010 - 17:17

 Same problem folks can't make new posts for your delight and edification. hey ho!

Answer to: Codice Fiscale
Sun, 01/03/2010 - 17:02

  and some knitting, sudoku and plain paper for that novel you are going to write about the quaint Italians, mind you I think it's been done before.

Answer to: Olives 2009
Sun, 01/03/2010 - 16:57

 could be the Dylano trees are still a bit young so play the long game! As for the original photo of the trees they seem very healthy with perhaps a need for more thinning out of the smaller branches. Funny thing olives little bit of frost at the wrong time etc and you're scuppered. Our 2009 crop about 10 per cent down on last year. PS the right time to do all olive jobs is when the neighbours are doing it!

Sun, 01/03/2010 - 16:47

We We have an overground pool coming up to its third year and when put in a black bin bag for the winter seems to be OK so far. It has a little pump and filter and with a quarter block of chloriney stuff in a floating device keeps beautifully clear all summer. I guess it is like a giant kid's pool with a doughnut inflatable rim and when our visitors return from a summer day's sightseeing in Rome it really is appreciated. I think it would increase your chances of profitable rentals in summer, particularly if a bit more elaborate than ours. But as so wisely was said , the kind of clientele might make a difference! Now David, why Lazio? because it's BRILLIANT, we love it particularly Southern Lazio where we reside for much of the year. You can be close to Rome yet in rural tranquility with lots of property, even broken down farmhouses and cattle byres which for some strange reason some folks pour money in to in the quest for restoration. There are beautiful hilltop villages and a wealth of places to visit and in general fast access to Rome. Oh and you will not be bumping in to Quentin and Jocasta in the supermarket as this is real Italy. The Italians hereabouts have always been very welcoming and tolerant of my less than brilliant Italian!

Thu, 12/24/2009 - 15:17

  Experience has taught me to prevent the green water effect starting by using chemicals as advised but once you have green water you will probably have algal growth on the sides as well - only solution - drain down, scrub the sides - yes really! and refill then remember to keep those slow release blocks going thereafter, slight white cloudiness for first week will disappear. Good luck!

Mon, 10/19/2009 - 14:49

 and very nice too with its appeal to wildlife etc and I find a modest sized pool with filter and the block chemicals kept to a minimum easy to look after and you are assured of not swallowing the odd dead hornet and not swimming round in green murkiness. As for "blue" the bottom can be any colour you like I guess