elliven's activity

Questions Asked

Mandevilla are those nice red climbers that are appearing all over the place in markets etc now and I did very well with two of them last year.

Sat, 06/02/2012 - 14:44

If you have property in UK you might contemplate redirecting your mail to Italy during your sojourn. Please be aware that the mail people, despite you paying quite a lot of money might mistakenly send your mail from your bank back to the bank.

Tue, 02/21/2012 - 18:06

We have a number of external walls about a metre high, cement rendered on both sides and made of tufo blocks. Sadly the rendering keeps getting spalled off after the winter due to, I think water in the walls freezing and expanding.

Sun, 04/24/2011 - 16:15

Birmingham UK area with 95% dead yuccas this spring plus lots of ceanothus dead and indeed anything a bit tender, however I was not expecting more or less similar here in Lazio, the main victims seem to have been date palms , even well-established

Sun, 04/24/2011 - 15:54

Looking at a courtyard in Umbria I saw a tradescanthia plant, the one sometimes non-pc called wandering Jew. Got hold of a couple and potted up on my terrace in Lazio and lo and behold they thrive mightily.

Tue, 08/03/2010 - 17:32

Could any one with their finger on the pulse of the Italian economy please tell me why large petrol stations are springing up all over the countryside.

Sun, 05/09/2010 - 18:55

For the tech experts - can I use a UK gas oven in Italy attached to a supply from one of those big cylinders in the garden? I am thinking of bringing one out. In anticipation - thanks.

Fri, 03/19/2010 - 19:00

Rejoice with me for at last ENEL have recognised that I AM resident and therefore qualify for a lower tariff and wait for this ... they have back-dated my benefits to the initial application about three years ago! Oh joy!.

Wed, 01/13/2010 - 18:58

Great geraniums this year until visited by small brown butterflies - result flower heads dying followed by miserable appearance of whole plant.

Sun, 09/06/2009 - 17:53

I think I am posting correctly under the new system - however having started I will finish - I have a beautiful house for sale in a brilliant , for me at any rate location in a rural area with everything a UK buyer in to the Italian life could wis

Wed, 05/27/2009 - 16:59

Comments posted

Thu, 06/18/2009 - 17:33

 I had similar ambitions for organic olive fly prevention some time ago and if I remember torula yeast is produced from waste wood and is added to pet foods to boost the protein content as it is cheap. It seems readily available in the States but not here. I really think ordinary yeast tablets or powder produced for the vitamin-conscious and sold in whole food and additive chain stores would work just as well and if bought in the bigger packs, nearly as cheap. Don't forget however that the traps must be cleaned out and refilled on a weekly basis!

Wed, 06/10/2009 - 17:52

When you settle in Italy, have a good look around at your neighbour's gardens and you will soon see what thrives locally - go do thou likewise! Some beautiful plants like the bougainvillea are magnificent in summer but do need protection in winter and some provision must be made for this. Good luck!

Mon, 06/08/2009 - 17:49

Tips from an ex-pharmacistDEET is the only thing that works really well as a repellent1% hydrocortisone cream works very well once stungMozzy nets at the windows are a fiddle to put up but work very wellIf a tick digs its head in your skin put a blob of olive oil/vaseline on it and it will drop off without leaving mouthparts behind very quickly (the oil blocks its spiracules used for breathing)Wear a hat when gardening ,all sorts of beasts drop out of foliage!Hope this helps!

Mon, 06/08/2009 - 17:39

My advice, forget all about buying and rent for short periods or if for a period of say 3months or more bring your car out from England, it takes 4 days if you don't want to kill yourself and insure with SAGA if you are of a certain age , otherwise there are others, to ensure unlimited foreign travel. Driving a right-hand vehicle is not all that difficult if you use your mirrors and with the added bonus that if you make a mistake they'll think it's your wife's fault!

Wed, 05/27/2009 - 17:52

Thanks for the prompt advice, I may ask for more on reflection!

Sun, 05/24/2009 - 17:16

Yes, odd critters lemon trees, one of mine has been in a pot for ages and has suffered from split bark, shedding of leaves etc and I have recently replanted it in a tile-space on the terrace and at last we are seeing a big improvement! but as it is only 2 foot high there's a bit of a way to go yet!